Galra Keith

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"I wonder if lance did it... did he break up with her? Thinking about its giving me a headache."

He hopped out of bed, and walked into the bathroom. After looking himself up and down in the mirror, he sighed heavily.

"Yep still monster keith. I guess I wont wake up normal anytime soon." He tugged at his mouth, inspecting his pointed teeth. His eyes redirected to his skin, "Dam purple really isnt my color."

Keith took his toothbrush and squirted some toothpaste ontop. then he brushed his teeth while the purple color turned pale, just like every other morning.

He walked over to his closet and the door creaked as it opened.

" and red, black and red, black and red, black and red, oooh red and black! Let's shake it up a little!"
(This is why I have no friends)

He slung his backpack over his shoulder, taking a deep breath in the meantime. Just to be sure, he took one last look in the mirror, grabbed his keys, and walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning keith!"

"Morning shiro. Adam leave already?"

"Yep, he has a big shift today. He left 3 hours ago."

"Dammit, I forgot to remind him about something. I hope he rememhers."

"Hopefully. Well enough about us, what about you? I heard lance broke up with nyma..."

"How did you-What're you saying?!"

Shiro continued, ignoring the first question. "Dont kid yourself. Lance tottaly likes you."

"No way. He wouldn't like a punk loser like me."

"Look, I dont know why you think your such a monster but your not."

"You have no idea."

Shiro turned back to the stove, not knowing what keith was talking about. He grabbed the spatula and transfered the pancake from the stove top to a white plate. He picked it up, and placed it in front of keith.


"No problem. But, I'm telling you. The way he looks at you in class... you should ask him out."

Keith blushed, "w-what?"

Shiro just smirked, starting to wash some dishes, "Well, anywho you have 10 minutes to eat before we have to leave. I have a teachers meeting so we need to leave a little early."



"Alright class, take out your laptops and open up your latest assignment...... ok, today we will be starting a partner project."

The class started to buzz.

One girl raised her hand.

"Mr. Shirogane? Can we pick our partners?"

"Sorry no. I have assigned them myself."

The class groaned.

"Well, team one is nyma and... team two is .... and.... team 3 is................. and team 6 is keith and lance."

Keith was barley paying attention, but looked up at shiro when he heard his partners name. Shiro winked at him, making Keith's face turn bright red. He turned to lance, who just smiled sweetly.

"Alrighty kids, your assignment is to go outside, and just talk. Get to know your partner. Have some fun. This is crucial for the next part of the assignment. Be back by the end of school. You have all day."

They all cheered and got up from their seats.

Keith slowly walked over to shiro, and pulled him aside, "what do you think you're doing?"

He replied sternly, yet calm. "Helping you."

"Shiro this is a bad idea."

"Pfft. Go. Hes waiting for you."

Keith turned, lance waved and strolled over.

"Ready partner?"

"Ye-yea let's go I guess." Keith looked back to shiro one more time, and shiro gave him a weird half smile.


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