Moving On

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"Hes been gone for a week now shiro! We need to do something!"

"Lance. I'm sorry. I know it's hard. I can see how much this is killing you, your grades are slipping. But... you cant let this ruin your future."

"What do you mean?"

"I tried to put you two together more than anyone, but...I think you should move on. From... keith. You deserve to be happy and keith has his own problems he cant control right now."

"What?! You have got to be kidding me!..." he snapped, but his tone soon cooled, "I-i-i think I'm in love with him shiro. I cant just get over it."

"I had a feeling youd say that. But you have to understand he really could be dangerous. We have no idea what they are doing to him right now."

"Then we've got to stop them!"

"Lance, you know I wish we could. I miss him just as much as you. There is so much I wish I told him. Back when we lived with our foster parents. Before- they abandoned us."



"Hey lance! Look at rover! He works perfectly now!"

Rover beeped and buzzed happily in the air.

"That's great pidge..." his tone was quiet.

"What up with you lately? Since keith left you've been weird. He only moved, I dont know why you're so upset. hes only been gone for 2 months, and your like stage 6 depressed."

"I-it's not that. I've just been in a odd place lately. Nothing to worry about girly." He patted her head in reassurance.

Lance thought to himself, "has it really been two months already? I wonder if hes okay."


"Today we turn it to tier 9 kitten! How has 8 treated you? I see the Mark's on your wrists have gotten worse. Good. You'll snap soon enough... maybe... you simply need some better motivation."

Lotor pressed the button, and keith just growled. He hasnt been able to change back to his human form since he turned it to level 7.

Lotor inched closer to him bending down onto his knees. He leaned over keith, and slowly inched his fingers down his chest.

Keith growled loudly, "DONT TOUCH ME"  then he jolted his knee up, hitting lotor's stomach. 

Lotor quickly got up completly ignoring what just happened, "Oof! Hmm. I know galra dont have to eat very often, but I forgot you were also part human. Your definatley thinner."


"Feisty! I honestly dont understand why you won't show me your power. Altean powers are nothing special."

"I still don't have powers."

"I guess I'll have to arrange that motivation then."

He started typing on the tablet as he turned and walked back up the stairs.


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