Keiths Shirt

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"Heeeeey pidgeon!"

"You seem happy... why are you wearing Keith's shirt? Its plain black so, definatley not yours."

Lance pulled off his shirt, revealing the bandages underneath.

"That's some really kinky shit lance."

"What?! No. It was an accident. My shirt was bloody so he let me borrow his. And, hes kind of my boyfriend now."

"Congrats loser. Glad you got this freak show of a love story figured out."

He was basically floating around the room, and pidge was giggling on her bed.


The next week, lance and pidge were starting their first day of class.

"Alright students time for attendance, matt holt?"


"Shay Gallagher?"


"*Bunch of other names*.... lance McClain?"


"And, Nyma? No nyma?"

"I'm here!" She bursted through the doors.


"Calm down lance. I know she probably did this on purpose she was no where near qualified for this school. That's how lucky you are if you were born rich." Pidge snarled in Her direction, and somehow Nyma saw.

She strutted in their direction and sat on the other side of  lance.

The professor started class, but nyma wasnt there to learn.

"Hey babe! You have no idea how many strings I pulled to get to be here with you! Arent you happy?"

"Nyma, I'm going to be straight forward with you. I dont like you. Also, I moved on anyways."

"Moved on?"

"Yeah moved on."

"Like found someone new moved on?!"

"Yeah. Found someone new moved on."

"Who is she?!"

Pidge leaned over lance and adjusted her glasses, "not to correct you but, who is HE is the correct question."


"shh, I dont want to get yelled at. And, it called being bi."

"...fine. who is he?"

Pidge laughed, "take a wild guess hun. It's obvious mate."

"...theres no way. He moved... It's not keith is it?"

"Right on the money honey."

Lance just sat back in his chair while pidge did the fighting for him.

"I cant beleive it. You dumped me for some loser?"

Lance finally chimed in, "he is not a loser."

"He so is! I'm way better than he is!"

"If your so much better, than whyd I dump you?"

"That's what I'm asking you! ...Okay... you know what? we can chat about this later."

She got up, took her belongings, and sat on the other side of the room.


After class, lance went to the cafe to see his beloved.

"What's up? Come here often?"

"Hmmm. Depends. How often can I see you here?" Keith winked, and lance blushed, not expecting his response.

"Your so dorky."

"Says the Cuban who had a toy story backpack until the 9th grade."

"Hey! I loved that backpack...and I still have it. BUT THATS BESIDE THE POINT!" He made a pouty face, "when does your break end?"

"20 minutes." He put his arms around Lance's waist and pulled him closer, "wanna have a little cafe date in the meantime?"

"Of course!"

Keith made them some coffee, and they sat down by a huge window, with a view of the whole courtyard.

"I found out nymas in my class."

"Your ex?"

"Yeah. She wants me back, but I told her I moved onto someone way better."


He was about to continue, but was cut off,

Keith stepped in, "Nyma calm down."

"I will not calm down! You stole my boyfriend!"

"I didnt steal anything. He chose to leave you long before we got together, it was only a week ago."

"A week ago?! No way. You were dating right after we broke up werent you?! Did you... did you cheat on me with him?!"

Lance sighed, "nyma, it doesnt matter when it happened. Now, go, so we can have our cafe date."

"This isnt over keith." She suddenly noticed his apron and nametag, "omg. You dont work here do you?"

"I do actually."

"Great now I have to see your stupid face everyday."

"That sounds like a you problem. Now, seriously go. My break ends in 10."

"Hmph!" She turned on her heel and stomped away.

Lance sighed again, "That's going to be fun."

"Well, I guess people can resist your beautiful face."

"Guess not," then he analyzed what keith said, "awe..."

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