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Ater Jensen spent the weekend at your house he had to head back home to Texas where his kids were, which you understood but it didn’t change the fact that you missed him while he was there. The first few days while he was there and you were still at home were fine, you were both talking the whole time and he’s call before bed but eventually the calls got shorters and the texts were more spaced out causing you to worry. You knew he would be busy with the kids and the brewery, that none of this was actually directed towards you but there was still that part of your mind that was telling you it was. You got those thoughts to simmer down pushing them to the back of your mind as best as you could, well at least until Danneel post pictures of the two on instagram kissing under a tree about two months into him being there. Your heart clenched looking at it because yes they are technically still married, but last time you knew they didn’t do anything of the sort.

You stared at the picture for quite some time trying to figure out how to justify it one way or another though until a message popped across the top of your phone.

How’s my beautiful girl doing today?

It was Jensen which shocked you and annoyed you at the same time, you finally get to talk to him but a part of you can’t help but think that he sensed you’d  be upset especially with the photo. Sitting on the couch still you stare at your phone debating whether to reply or not when a message comes through again.

You okay baby girl?

It’s not like you to not answer.

He was right, it wasn’t like you not to answer him but right now it probably wasn’t the best thing to do, you knew that if you answered now you would do something you’d regret when you aren’t as wound up with emotions. Instead you placed your phone down onto the coffee table and made your way through the apartment doing whatever you needed to do. After cleaning up each room you decided to wash what dishes you had left when you heard your phone ringing. Going to get it you see Jensen’s name and a picture the two of you took together before he left, instead of answering it you set it back on the table before continuing what you were doing.

Jensen doesn’t give up after the first call, two more missed calls and five messages later you decide you have to call him and talk it through instead of being immature about the whole situation like I have been. I bypassed the messages opting to call him right away rather than prolonging it. He answered after the second ring leaving me to think he was waiting with his phone for this, “Y/n,” I hear him rush out over the phone in what sounds like a breath of relief before he begins to question me, “What’s wrong? What happened? Are you okay, please tell me you are okay.”

“Jesen I’m fine, nothing is wrong with me I’m just trying to get my head straight I guess,” you say quietly on the other line taking a deep breath.

“You really scared me, I thought something was wrong.”

“Something is wrong just not physically.”

“What?” Jensen asked and even though you couldn’t see him you could hear the confusion in his tone, allowing you to clearly picture the expression that would etch themselves across his features.

After taking a deep breath you will yourself to speak again, “Something is wrong between us.”

“What’s wrong between us? I thought we were good, happy even. What happened, did I do something?” You could hear the confusion growing in his voice as his hushed tones raised a volume higher.

“Not directly Jen...It just doesn’t feel like this is a smart idea, you barely have time to talk which I understand. But you and your wife seemed pretty happy to me so I don’t see why we are doing this. If you wanted to stop this so you could stay with your wife just tell me because I’m not becoming the other woman,” when you are done you take a deep breath trying to regain composure from rushing all that out before you backed out of it.

The other end goes quiet as well and you have to pull your phone away to check that he didn’t hang up on you, he didn’t. After a few minutes you hear him take a deep breath and begin to speak, “Where is all of this coming from?”

“Jensen we don’t talk, its rare and has been for some time. And then earlier your wife posted a photo of you two kissing, it was sweet really but i wish you would’ve just let me know you two were doing better.”

“Were not!” Jensen yells annoyed before clearing his throat and speaking in a much calmer tone, “I bitched for her even kissing me because she knew I’ve got something going with someone, I didn’t even know she posted it on instagram since I haven’t gotten a chance to pick up my phone I’m always with the kids. I’m sorry I will try to talk to you more though.”

You feel your cheeks heat up with embarrassment from the way you acted after you hear his explanation, “No you have no need to apologize I overreacted, I should have just talked to you instead I acted like a child about it and let my  thoughts get the best of me.”

“You didn’t act like a child, everyone needs reassurance and you were getting the opposite of that that. I think maybe we need to sit down and talk about this whole thing, face to face preferably...I could fly up this weekend, the sooner the better I mean.”

“Uh..yeah sure I mean you don’t have to do that because you could be spending the time with your family but if that’s what you’d prefer,” you say shocked at his offer.

“It is, I miss seeing you and hearing you right now makes me miss you even more,” he says smoothly through the phone causing you to blush before he speaks again, “I got to go but I will call you later I promise.”

“Oh, okay bye,” you say trying to hide the disappointment in your voice as you click end.

You sit on the couch after your phone call and just scroll through social media when a link pops up about Jensen. Intrigued you click on it only to see photos of you leaving his hotel, as well as photos of him entering and leaving your apartment that same weekend. Below the pictures there was a lengthy article about how Jensen was having an affair with me and how it was causing them to get a divorce. Your stomach began to turn as you read it and once you were done you texted Jesen instantly.

Have you seen the article?

Yes, I don’t think I can make it this weekend I have to fix this.

It’s fine I understand, but what does this mean for us?

I don’t know but we’ll figure it out.

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