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You giggle as Jensen’s arms snake around your waist, hands falling on your barely forming stomach as you cooked breakfast that morning. You never thought that he would be as happy about your pregnancy as he is especially with three kids already, but you definitely weren’t going to complain about his excitement. Instead you went along with each little thing he wanted to do which is why you were having a dinner with Gen, Jared, and even Danneel.

You were nervous to tell everyone that wasn’t a lie but, Jensen was right when he said that everyone close to us should know before he and Jared left back up to Vancouver. He tells you it’s just so nobody gets suspicious as you start to show but you know that it really is just so they can all be Jensen’s spies. Since the news got out he was already hovering and barely letting you anything he deems ‘too much’ which leaves you with basic tasks like watching tv and cooking. You loved that he cared but at this point you longed for your space, you longed to be able to do the laundry and plant again but at this point it seemed like you had six more long months to wait before that happened again.

Jensen began running kisses along your neck to try and draw your attention back to him, and it successfully worked drawing another giggle from your lips you flicked the now cooked eyes off and turned in his arms. Wrapping your own arms around his neck you gazed up at him with a smile across your face, a smile that seemed to have had a permanent place there since he arrived home.

“What are you so happy for beautiful?” has asks with a chuckle as he gazed back at you.

You shrug, “I have the best boyfriend ever and I’m about to have some of the best eggs ever. What’s there not to be happy about?”

Jensen chuckles and dips his head to your so he can plant a soft kiss on your lips. When he pulls away he gently nudges you in the direction of the table and turns towards the pan of eyes you have sitting on the stove before saying, “well then go sit you and that little one at the table and the best boyfriend ever will bring you some of those eyes you want.”


You and Jensen spent the rest of the day just lounging around and doing little things with each other until it was time to get ready for the big family dinner. As you got ready all you could think about was their reactions to the news, you hoped they were as supportive as your family was when you skyped them the day before and talked about it with them. Your worrying was cut short though when Jensen’s hand returned to the spot on your stomach that they always seemed to find there way too. Your eyes met his in the mirror as you place your ear ring in place and you couldn’t help but smile at the dopey grin he had set across his face. Looking at Jensen you knew that even if tonight didn’t go as you thought it would it wouldn’t matter because you had him and your little one growing within you.

You pulled away once your ear ring was in place and kissed Jensen, careful not to mess your lipstick before heading downstairs to get your purse with Jensen in tow. Once you both were fully ready you made your way to the car and drove to the restaurant, you and Jensen were supposed to be the first ones there that way you could greet everyone else. When you arrived Gen and Jared were waiting out front though, Genevieve looked ready to burst with curiosity as she made her way towards you with Jared not far behind her.

Reaching each other you all said your greetings before making your way inside and to the hostess. You were seated in the back of the restaurant attempting to avoid any of Gen’s questions until De arrived. You wanted her to know as well since she was the mother of Jensen’s other three children and you both had grown closer over the past few months. You were about to give in when the hostess showed back up with Danneel behind her saving you only momentarily.

“So what’s this news you had for us y/n?” Danneel asks the moment she is sitting causing you to realize that now you were outnumbered.

You open you mouth to speak nothing comes out so you reach for your water and take a sip hoping to calm your nerves as Jensen take the chance to speak for you, “Me and y/n wanted everyone who is close to us to what is going on in our lives right now before me and Jared go back to Vancouver and rumors start spreading like crazy,” Jensen begins to explain before pausing, “Y/n is three months pregnant.”

Gasp and sounds of joy fill the table as both the other woman register what is said. After congratulating the couple the conversation turns to all types of things revolving the growing baby and you couldn’t be happier as a hand falls onto your stomach and your eyes meet Jensens, his smile just as big as yours as you enjoy your night with your friends.

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