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Summary: Y/n woke up to a surprise on her phone leaving her unsure of her feelings, the only thing she knows is she doesn't want to hide how she feels anymore. What y/n finds on her phone causes her to call Jensen so they can talk again.

Pairing: Jensen x reader


Waking up the next morning you rushed around late since your phone was in the other room and your alarm was on it, the same phone you forgot to charge meaning it was probably dead. You didn't have the time to fuss over it either deciding to shove it in your bag along with the charger as you rushed out the door and down the street. Normally you take the bus to work but today you didn't have the time, walking was just faster at this point.

By the time you reached work you dumped your purse in your locker and clocked in instantly. Your boss wasn't too happy about your tardiness but he let it slide since it was only a few minutes. After talking to your boss you got to work right away, completely forgetting about the phone charging in your locker. Well you forgot about it until your lunch break rolled around and you grabbed your purse heading to the diner down the street. As you sat in the booth waiting for your food you decided to turn your phone on to check for messages, it took a minute to load but once your phone was fully back on you were ambushed with notifications on all your social media's with more and more followers.

Scrolling through you swipe away the notifications as you read them until you land on a Twitter mention from Jensen. You stop on it reading what was shown as your fingers hesitate over it, not really sure whether you want to read it or if you want to ignore it. After a few seconds you go to click on it when your waitress shows up with your food causing your phone to go forgotten after a quick like in acknowledgement.

By the time you were done eating your lunch was nearly over so you headed back to work not thinking to finish checking your phone again that day until you get home after work. Sitting down on the couch after a shower you click on Twitter app to see what the mention was exactly and when you do your mouth drops, Jensen really told tube world about you. After a few minutes you regain your composure deciding to see who caked asked texted you over the period of your phone wasn't on; to your surprise every miss call, voicemail, and unread message were from Jensen. You skimmed through all the messages deciding that you would read it all once you called him but he deserved to know you didn't mean it yesterday.

You sat on the couch counting the rings as you waited for him to answer and eventually you didn't think he was going to but just before the last ring you heard someone speak through the phone, “Hello?”

It wasn't Jensen who answered though, it was a female and you did everything you could to fight back the doubt that was blooming in your chest. After a deep breath you decided it was best to answer the person no matter how nervous you were at what the answer may be, “Where's Jensen?” You question skipping the pleasantries.

“He's taking care of the twins I can have him call you when he's done if you'd like,” you hear the person you can now identify as Danneel reply through the phone causing your worry to ease.

“That'd be great thank you,” you murmur before hanging up and going through you all the messages he left you.

You were reading the last few if the messages when a call flashed across the screen from Jensen, a call you answered faster than you thought possible.

“Hello,” you sigh as if you've been holding your breath forever.

“Y/n-” Jensen begins, only for you to cut him off.

“Jensen, listen I'm sorry about how I reacted yesterday, sometimes I'm over sensitive and I speak before I think.”

“Baby it's okay, I talked to Jared and Gen after our fight and now I understand more why you were upset,” Jensen replies almost as if he's trying to soothe you.

“And I should have understood how you felt when it came to the kids and the divorce, I should have talked to you when I first started feeling that way, I guess prolonging it didn't help like I thought it would.”

“When something bothers you you have to tell me y/n, how else am I supposed to help?”

“I know and I'm sorry that it turned out like this,” you reply quietly before you add in, “and I'm sorry about the paparazzi I know you didn't want t to come out yet. You could have denied it if you wanted to, I would've understood.”

“Y/n,” Jensen sighs, “the paparazzi was not your fault at all you have no reason to apologize for it. If anything I should be apologizing to you since you were sucked into the life full of cameras, me I'm used to it. And as for me denying our relationship, that is something  never want to do sweetheart I love you okay and I would never deny that to anyone.”

“You love me” you ask in shock as you heart speeds up basically flying out your chest.

“Yeah, I do,” Jensen replies before he lets out a breath.

You don't answer him right away you just stand there with the phone to your ear in shock. Eventually you regain yourself and speak, “I love you too Jensen.”

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