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Sitting with Gen you watched as Jensen and Jared chased the kids around the backyard. The two of you couldn’t help but smile at the sight as you sipped lemonade and chatted up a storm, your hand occasionally falling to stroke your rounded stomach. It was a typical weekend for the two of your families at this point and you couldn’t be happier with it.

You and Gen were so wrapped up in discussing what you and Jensen were thinking of for names neither of you realized when everyone returned to the table. The boys allowed you both to talk for a while before they grew bored and began doing little things to try and gain your attention back on them.

“Y/n,” Jensen says calling your attention to him for the first time since he joined the table.

“Yes Jay?”

“What do you say we let the kids go with their uncle and aunt so me and you can spend some time together?” he asks with a cheeky little smile.

“Baby you know i’m starting to get to fat to dress up and go out,” you counter with a sigh.

“Who says where going out?” he retorts before throwing in, “besides Jared already agreed and the kids are all excited.”

You stare at him for a minute watching him closely before you decide to speak again, “you’re up to something aren’t you?”

“You’ll just have to find out.”


After lunch and some more playing Jared and Gen took every child back to their house for a sleepover leaving you and Jensen with the house to yourselves for the first time since Jensen came home for hiatus. You weren’t complaining because you loved spending time with him and his kids together, it was just nice to have couple time while you could before the baby comes.

When you heard the door to the house close you slumped into the seat of the couch and let your eyes fall shut. After a minute you felt the seat beside you sink and a comforting hand caress your bump causing a small smile to make itself home on your face. Peeking your eyes open you are met with Jensen’s stunning green ones and a smile of his own, “I so can not wait for tonight.”

“And what exactly is going to happen tonight?” you ask with a smirk knowing he definitely has something planned.

“You’ll see,” Jensen murmurs before kissing your forehead and disappearing upstairs.

You don’t remember how long he was upstairs but you found yourself being shaken awake some time later, “hey wake up sleepy head. I ran you a bath why don’t you go soak in it and relax until i’m done making dinner.”

Adding a few light kisses over your face he helps you to your feet and urges you in the direction of the stairs. When you reach the tob you walk towards your room where the master bathroom is only to be met the a breathtaking sight. there were rose and other flower petals all over the bathroom and even in the tub floating amongst all the bubbles. The only light was from the candles he lit and all you could hear was your favorite music playing softly throughout the room, Jensen put so much effort into this it made your heart swell. Striping instantly after you take in the room you sink into the tub and let out an appreciative sigh.

You stayed in the tub until the water went cold because you were enjoying the calmness of the whole thing. When you climbed out you grabbed your big towel from beside the tub and made your way back into the bedroom where you found clothes already laid on the bed for you. Jensen was really pulling out all the stops right now and you wanted more than anything to know why, something big had to be going on.

When you got to the bottom of the stairs you found Jensen standing there waiting for you already, changed and smiling. He reaches his hand out for you to take and leads you towards the back of the house confusing you, “where are we going babe? The dining room is the other way.”

“We’re not eating in there tonight,” he replies before leading you into the back yard.

The lights you had hung for parties were lit casting a glow on the table Jensen had set up in the middle on the yard. It was beautiful and you couldn’t hide the smile that took over your features when you seen it. You spin slightly to look at Jensen with the smile still present and ask, “What’s all this for?”

He shrugs in response and leads you to the table, “I just wanted to treat my girl.”

“Well it’s amazing,” you compliment.

“Just wait until you see what I made for dinner,” he says before uncovering two plates of your favorite food.

You begin to eat and the two of you fall into casual chatter that didn’t stop until Jensen seemed to begin to get nervous during dessert, “Are you okay babe?”

“Oh yeah im fine,” he says before playing with his dessert some more.

After a few  minutes he rises from his chair and comes to stand beside. As you turn in your seat he drops causing your heart to follow him along with your jaw. He couldn’t possibly be doing what you thought he was. Could he?

Your thoughts were interrupted moments later when he began to speak, “Y/n, Beautiful, I love you more than I can think to put into words. The minute I seen you in that signing line I knew I had to make you mine, and now that you are I don’t ever want to lose you or our little one. I know we have only been together nearly a year and our son is going to be here in a few months but it doesn’t change how I feel. I want to marry you y/n y/l/n.”

When he is done talking you are in to much shock to answer so he adds in, “Will you marry me?”

Nodding you found yourself wrapped in his arms with his lips on yours.

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