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Jensen and Danneel used the article leak to announce their divorce, after Jensen denied the affair rumors of course. Once they each made their own statement over the topic the whole ordeal was pretty much over with apart from the fan comment thrown in here and there or the odd interview question. This gave you and Jensen a whole month or peace to work on your growing relationship. When the article first leaked you were certain that it was the end of you and Jensen, but after about a week of radio silence from Jensen you received a call from him saying he was flying out to see you. You were thrilled to say the least but at the same time there was a voice in the back of your mind telling you he was only coming to call it off in person, the thought had you on edge the whole night until you finally seen him. The moment you were in his arms all your doubts about the two of you washed away, even after he told you that the relationship still needed to be kept hush. You didn’t care you knew you were together as long as you were just that, together.

You both bonded over a month of secret dates and weekends tucked into your little apartment and you couldn’t be happier with where your relationship stands. And then you get the phone call from Jensen the week before he was due to visit.

“Hey beautiful,” you hear him say over the line the moment you answer.

“Hey babe.”

“So listen,” he begins and your heart drops thinking he isn’t coming, “I was thinking we could switch things up this weekend since you have the week off and you come spend the week with me. Meet the kids, Jared, Gen, their little ones..”

You freeze with the phone to your ear when you hear what he’s hinting before regaining composure and speaking through the phone, “You want me to come down there and meet everyone?” you ask quietly.

“Yeah, everyone wants to meet you,” he replies before adding in, “and don’t worry about the ticket I’m paying since it’s the same price as me coming to you,”

“Jen-” you begin before he cuts you off.

“No arguing about it. I have to go, I’ll call you later bye beautiful.”

“Bye babe,” you say sighing as you hang up.


You tried two more times to talk your way out of flying to him but it didn't work, he just wouldn't budge. So here you were sitting on a flight to meet some of the most important people in your boyfriend's life with your nerves going crazy. You were sure halfway through the flight your nerves would settle but your close to landing and they were still wildy present.

Jensen planned on picking you up and bringing you to his place, but in all your attempts to not go you forgot to ask where his place was. Assuming it was with Danneel only made your stomach clench, how were you supposed to stay with his ex wife and it not go south? You put a smile on your face as you exit the plane nonetheless before you grab you back and go to Jensen who is waiting for you with a smile.

“Hey beautiful, I missed you,” he says hugging you.

“I missed you to,” you mumble into his chest.

He pulls away leading you to the car, waiting until your both settled in and driving to talk again.

“De and the kids are out for the weekend so it's just us until Monday,” Jensen informs you with all types of unspoken promises behind his tone. Promises that make your legs clench and your heart rate to pick up with anticipation.


When Monday came it was bitter sweet, you enjoyed your weekend alone with Jensen but at this point you were getting anxious to meet everyone else. Jensen assured you numerous times that you had nothing to worry about because they would love you, though that didn't stop your nerves from going into overdrive when the front door opens and a woman's voice calls out, “we're home!”

The announcement was followed by the pitter of feet running across the floor, the soft steps only getting louder indicating they're coming your way. Eventually there is a face to go along with the footsteps when JJ runs into the living room, she stops a few inches from where you both are on the couch eyeing the stranger beside her father.

“Hi daddy,” she says softly before looking from her dad and back to you, “who's that?”

“Baby this is y/n,” he says softly, “Daddy's friend remember, I told you she was going to be spending time with her.”

After explaining to her who you are she nods softly and makes her away over to us so she can wrap her arms around Jensen. You watch them embrace each other not noticing that Danneel has made her way into the room as well with the twins. When JJ pulls away she takes off out of the room yelling something you couldn't make out, leaving the twins to take her place in their daddy's arms to greet him the same way she just did. Pulling away the two wandered over to some toys the had tucked off in the living room to play intently with each other leaving the adults alone.

“It's nice to finally meet you, Jensen talks about you a lot,” Danneel says offering her hand out to you.

Gripping her hand you shake it as you speak quietly, “it's nice to finally meet you too.”

She nods acknowledge she heard me before she excuses herself. Once she leaves the room Jensen turns to you grinning, “See what are you worrying about they love you already.”

This causes you to laugh before answering him, “ That's only because you apparently talk about me a lot. They were a lot more prepared for this then I was.”

“Well I can't just not talk about my amazing girlfriend,” he retorts causing a blush to creep across your face. He watches your reaction smiling before he leans in to kiss you.


You spent the next two days with Jensen and the kids just getting to know them, you had going on with them you almost forgot about meeting the Padalecki's this week as well. You and Jensen were sitting in the backyard when he brought it up to remind you, “We have dinner in a few with Jared and Gen. You're okay with that right?” He says softly.

You nod turning your head to look at him for a minute before you reply, “Of course I'm okay with that.”

He smiles before kissing you softly and sitting back, the two of you relaxing together until you decided to get ready. You took out the only dress you packed and a pair of sandals after coming to the decision you had to make an good impression on the pair tonight.

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