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Jensen was finally home for break and you couldn’t be happier to see him even though your conversation with continually replayed in your mind from the moment she left until now, as well as the positive pregnancy test you took two days before she showed up. Being a part of Jensen’s children’s lives was a big deal especially since he was divorced now and it meant a lot to you for Danneel to be okay with it and you just hoped Jen was too. The first day he was home you didn’t bring it up, opting to give him time to relax and just bring it up at dinner instead. Which was where you sat now, at a table of some restaurant you couldn’t even remember the name of at this point; all you could think of as you fiddled with the hem of your dress was that you hoped he didn’t feel like you were overstepping by suggesting this. Clearing your throat you sipped your drink before you decided to speak, “So Danneel came over while you were gone.”

“What for, why didn’t you tell me after it happened?” Jensen questioned gasing at you curiously.

“Because I thought  it was something we should talk about in person Jensen,” you reply before sighing, “Danneel came to tell me that she wants the kids to spend time with us while you are here in your breaks. She thinks it would help me bond with them as well and I agree with her but, I didn’t want to overstep or anything just agreeing to something without your okay.”

“Y/n,” Jensen sighs reaching over the table to hold your hand, “something like that isn’t overstepping. I’m happy that you want to spend time with the kids and that while they’re home I get to be with both them and you. Plus JJ asks about all the time,” he says chucking a little causing you to smile.

“Danneel said the same thing.”

Jensen chuckles at that and the conversation continues smoothly the rest of the night. By the time you two made it to the bedroom your cheeks hurt from smiling so much. You loved Jensen and you couldn’t be happier with the direction your life was heading even though you knew there were a few things Jensen may not want since he’s already gotten them. You had come to except it though and pushed the thoughts of the test away as you fell into a blissful sleep cuddled into Jensen. Tonight was not the night to tell him, you couldn’t bring yourself to do it until you got doctor conformation.

The next morning you sprung out of bed in a rush making a beeline for the bathroom to empty the contents of your stomach. You were so consumed in what was going on you almost didn’t feel the hand on your back, almost. When you registered Jensen was behind you you tried to swat his hand away but he simply crouched slightly closer and swept back your stray hair before attempting to comfort you as best as possible.

“Are you okay?” he asks in a worried tone.

You flush the toilet and stand up walking to the sink to brush your teeth before you answer him, “yeah I’m fine Jen just a stomach bug or something,” you say with a shrug before heading back towards the room to get dressed, “I have a doctors appointment scheduled today to see about it actually.”

“Do you want me to come with you?” Jensen asks looking towards you with a worried expression as he tugs on his jeans.

You shake your head no before turning towards the dresser to pull out a top, “no it’s fine I figured if you had anything you needed to do at the brewery or if you were going to talk to Danneel about the kids arrangement you’d be doing that while I was gone,” you finish with a sigh. You hate lying to Jensen but you can’t tell him the truth just yet.

“You sure?” Jensen asks coming up to you full dressed.

You turn to look him in the and nod before giving him a reassuring smile, “I’m sure.. I love you.”

“I love you too,” Jensen says kissing you.


You were glad Jensen had a couple extra days at home so you could tell him the results before he left. The doctor was supposed to call any day and you were beginning to grow impatient with the secret growing harder to keep each day. And Jensen was growing more and more suspicious as each lie became weaker and weaker. Which made a part of you glad that Jensen wasn’t home at the moment, he hand ran to the grocery store and you used the opportunity to do the dishes in order to keep your mind off the pending results you were waiting on.

As you set the last plate to dry your phone began to ring, assuming it was Jensen you answered instantly without paying any mind to the caller id, “What’s up?” you ask leaning back against the counter.

“Hi, this is Dr. Kennard may I speak with Ms. y/L/n?”

“This is her,” you reply straightening yourself.

“Im calling with your results of the pregnancy tests you had run at your last visit,” the doctor speaks through the phone before pausing to wait for your encouragement.

“Was everything okay with the results?”

“Oh yes everything was very much okay and you are in fact pregnant Ms. y\L

, congratulations.”

You gasp in shock as the doctor continues to speak before patching you to another line for all your appointments. By the time Jensen got home you were in a daze trying to figure out how to tell him the news, this call was what you were waiting for and now it meant you had to take the next step and tell him. When he walked into the house he found you still standing against the island with your phone clutched in your hand.

Setting the bags down he walked over to you and placed his hands on either side of your face gently turning you to look at him, “Y/n, baby are you okay?”

You nod your head wordlessly before you fix your gaze on him and clear your throat regaining your composure, “I got a call from my doctor today with the results for some of the test the had me take,” you whisper before taking a pause.

“I think we should sit in the living room to talk about it though actually,” you add in before grabbing one of his hands and leading him to the couch.

Once you are seated her turns his body to face you before interlocking your hands, “What did your doctor say because now you’re really starting to worry me,” Jensen asks with a chuckle trying to lighten the mood in the living room.

Taking a deep breath you look down at your hands conjoined in your lap as you spoke softly, “I don’t have a stomach bug Jensen I never even thought I did,” you begin to explain before you glanced up at him to see the confusion of his face, “I missed my period two months in a row and I took some pregnancy test after the first month and they were all negative so I didn’t do anything about it. But they next month when it still didn’t come I took more test that came back positive and I wanted to go to the doctors to be sure. I especially wanted to make sure before I told you which is why I lied but now I can’t lie no more,”

“What were the results y/n?” Jensen asks swallowing the lump in his throat.

“Im pregnant Jensen…”

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