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You and Jensen worked though your argument and began to grow closer though he didn’t push you coming issuto him again. A month passed without another issue between the two of you and you couldn’t be happier, you even grew closer to the kids during your FaceTime calls. Everything was coming together perfectly for the both of you, you thought to yourself until the ringing of your phone interrupted you.

“Hello handsome,” you answer smiling into the screen at your boyfriend.

“Hey babygirl,” Jensen replies gazing back at you, “I have some news for you.”

“Oh really and what is that?” You question.

“The finalization papers came in to, I am officially a divorced man.”

“Is that all hunny?” You chuckle, “I mean I’m happy for you, but it was already like you were.”

Jensen gives a knowing smirk into the the lens of the camera and replies, “of course there is more but you’re going to have to come to me to find out.”

“Jensen,” you begin to protest only for him to cut you off.

“Baby this is my only chance to talk to you about this, it’s kind of a big deal and it’s be best in person,” Jensen explains slightly before you hear Zeppelin calling for him, “I gotta go, I love you.”

“I love you too,’ you murmur before hanging up the phone and searching for a flight for this weekend confused.


The whole plane ride was spent the same way you spent the majority of your week, wondering what Jensen wanted to talk to you about. A part of you thought he was going to break up with you until you thought about how happy the both of you were together. After a lot of failed attempts at trying to talk it out of Jensen and trying to figure it out yourself you gave up just in time for the plane to land.

Jensen waited for you with a smirk on his face and instantly wrapped his arms around you the moment you were an arms length away. You felt at home in his arms and clung to him as if he’d disappear. He kissed the top of your head before speaking into your hair, “god I missed you.”

“I missed you too,” you mumble into his chest before he pulls away.

“How about we go home?” Jensen asks grabbing my bag in one hand and my hand in his other.

I nod and follow him to the car trying not to think about how awkward this is going to be again. Last time it nearly broke you two up you think to yourself as you watch the scenery pass by you. It looks different then the last time but you brush it off as not remembering properly, at least you did until you pulled into a driveway of a smaller home. You turn to Jensen and give him a questioning glance only for him to smirk and climb out the car leaving you to follow.

You trail behind him as he grabs you bag from the car before turning to you and linking your hand with his, “I thought we were going to the house,”

“That is De’s house now that the divorce is final,” Jensen says as he leads you to the front door, “and this one is mine.”


“Yeah, mine. After our argument the last time you came down I started looking at a separate place,” he explains further, “the I kind of just grew fond of the idea of us having a place to call ours.”

When you hear the end you look at him in shock as he drags you into the house and closing the door behind him, “ours?”

Jensen only nods in response before dragging you through the house to give you a tour. The whole time you couldn’t get your mind off the fact that Jensen wanted this place to be for both of you, together. To say the house was beautiful was an understatement, it was smaller than the one you had visited last time you were here to visit but it was also cozier in your opinion. The kids rooms were set up already but most of the house looked like it still needed to be decorated more fully.

“I know that it’s not one hundred percent done yet, but that was why I wanted you to come by,” Jensen says as you sit on the couch finally once the tour was over.

You look over at him and wait for him to continue explaining further; when he doesn’t you nudge his shoulder and ask, “so are you going to tell me why or just leave me guessing?”

Jensen sighs looking over at you, “I want you to feel comfortable here too so I want you to help me decorate the house.”

“Jensen, it’s your house you’ll be here more than me it should be what you want.”

Jensen chuckles nervously, “Well actually about that,” he begins before taking a deep breath, “I was hoping you would move in with me.”

“Move in with you?” you ask in shock repeating his question.

Jensen nods before responding, “Yeah..I know that we have only been together a little over four months and this is a big step for you y/n, but I go back to Vancouver in a month and the only way i’ll be able to see you and the kids each time I get time off is if you are in the same place.”

“What about work, Jensen I can’t just transfer because it’s the only branch of that company left where I live.”

“I know but we could figure something out here for work for you and until then I’ll take care of you,” Jensen says as if it was obvious.

“Jensen-” I begin to protest.

“I understand if you don’t want to but the offer is always there, me taking care of you and all,” he says cutting you off.

“It’s not your job to take care of me.”

“No it’s not, but you’re my girl so I want to,” Jensen retorts seriously causing your heart to swell.

You look at him with a smile on your face, “Can I tell you before I go home?”

Jensen nods with a bright smile, “of course beautiful,” he whispers before kissing you.

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