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Pulling open the door you were met with none other than Danneel and you freeze with one hand holding the door cracked open enough for you to see each other, “Danneel, hi,” you say quietly after a minute of silence.

“Hi, she replies with a smile, “can we talk?”

Silently you nod and open the door for her to enter the house, once it’s closed behind her you silently lead her down the hall and to the kitchen. Once there you pour the both of you a glass of wine and sit at the island, “okay what do we need to talk about?”

She sighs taking a sip of her wine before she speaks, “I know there was an issue when you came to my house and that was why you never came back and I just wanted to say I’m sorry if I did anything or said anything that upset you.”

You look at her in shock, “You think I didn’t come back because you did or said something?” You ask prompting her to nod her head and sip her wine again.

You sigh and look at you glass that you left abandoned on the island top as you explain, “I didn’t come back because it was awkward being in a house with Jensen’s soon to be ex wife and it made me feel like the other woman. It was nothing nobody did or said so to speak.”

She nods her head in understanding and chuckles, “With that out of the way I also wanted to talk to you about the kids. They know who you are and have since that first weekend, in fact JJ even asks about you when she talks to Jen sometimes so I thought while Jensen is home on breaks they can spend time with the two of you if you are comfortable with it.”

When you don’t speak due to shock she decides to continue, “I figured it gives time to bond and get to know the kids since it seems to me like you’re going to be around for a while.”

You blush hearing this and begin to ponder if she truly meant when she said you’d be there a while, “What does Jensen say about the whole thing?” you question.

“Well that’s the thing, I haven’t talked to him yet. I wanted to make sure this was something you were comfortable with first.” she explains.

“Of course I am, I want nothing more than form some sort of relationship with them since they are his children but I also don’t want to overstep,” you explain hesitantly.

“I don’t think Jensen will look at it as overstepping, I know I won’t see it that way.”

You nod glancing up at her, “So are you going to talk to Jen about it now?”

“No I think you should, Jensen will believe that you want them here coming from you more than he might me telling him.”

“Well then, i’ll talk to him about it,” you say with a nod.

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