Chapter One

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Author's Note:

Hi guys, so heres the first chapter. I hope you like if you are a huge fan of the show The Gifted or X-Men or both. This story is mostly about Lauren and Andy getting back together as siblings.

I know the summary of the title gives a little away about the story and what will happen.

So I figured I start off where Andy and Lauren are talking when Andy leaves with Lorna. Fade, Sage, Esme, etc in season 1.

I will have a lot of Lauren's Point of View in this book, but I will do Andy and others as well if I feel like those people should talk.



Lauren's POV

"The X-Menare gone. We're not little kids anymore."

That was the last thing Andy said to me. I miss him, but I cant rely on what he did. There are days that I dream of Andy and I combining our powers for the use of evil. I can't tell the others because they will think I'm out of my mind.

My mom thinks Andy was kidnapped instead of him choosing to leave on his own terms. It's hard more on here then it is on me or my dad. I feel like Andy knew what he was doing, but for a dumb reason to be honest. He believes that our ancestors who were apart of The Hell Fire Club are innocent. They killed people. Andy can't doesn't understand that.

I decided to stick with Clairce, John, Naya, and Marcos. I believe that if we stick together we can rebuild friendship with the humans so that there is harmony and peace. I don't know what the Inner Circle plan is, but if it's a war they want then it's a war they get.

"Lauren, what's wrong? Have you been sleeping?" Clairce asks me trying to snap me out of my thoughts.

"Its about Andy isn't it?" Marcos asks sitting down across from me sitting next to Clarice.

"I don't know what I can do. Andy chose to leave because of our ancestors being apart of the Hell Fire Club. Marcos any news on how Lorna is doing with the baby."

"Lorna gave birth to a baby girl. I was allowed to go see Lorna and the baby, but I couldn't change Lorna mind on coming back here with the baby. She named our child Dawn." Marcos replied then shows a picture of Dawn.

" Marcos replied then shows a picture of Dawn

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"She's beautiful Marcos. You'll be a great dad I know it. Just give it time. I'm sure you'll be allowed to see Lorna and Dawn more once everything settled down with what they're doing."

"I hope so, because I love Lorna and Dawn equally and not being able to see the birth of my child kills me deeply." Marcos growled slamming his fist onto the table.

Marcos is taking this harder than I thought. I probably should give him some space before asking him more questions.

The fresh air from outside was nice to smell and feel. I look back on that night that I saved my family from that car accident. The thought of not knowing I was a mutant would of killed me not really, but my point is I wouldn't have gotten to meet all these new friends I have. Including Wes.

Man I wish he was here right now. He can comfort me and make things better by doing illusions.

I miss you Andy, please come back to me.

I look up at the night sky to see nothing, but darkness. I'm becoming more independent after everything. Andy might be with Hellfireclub, but I'm still fighting to protect mutants and humans together.

Andy wherever you are. You'll always be my little brother.


Lorna's POV

Holding my precious baby girl named Dawn. I feel like a true mother now. My powers increased every time this little kicked inside me. Only time will tell when Marcos will soon realize I made the right decision to do what my father did by helping the Hellfireclub.

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