Chapter Twenty

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Unknown Person's POV

This will be the end of the mutant underground and hellfireclub. As long as they don't have their healer and one of the Fernis on their side. Being a leader of a resistance I'm going to make sure that my group has the upper hand in this war.

My men and I have been hiding in the sewers. We are an unknown group to the whole world. Once in a while we set of explosives to capture mutants and have them join us.


~the next morning~

Grace's POV

The time had finally come that I got to face my horrible father. I don't even think of the people who raised me as my parents anymore. I won't have ap problem of hurting them if they get in my way ever again.

Today I finally get to meet the rest of the people are part of the Inner Circle/Hellfireclub. The years I spent here in Washington D.C I only known the former people of the Inner Cirlce, Reeva, and the frost sisters.

"Morning Grace, everyone is in the meeting room ready to meet you. There is one person is missing and that well need your help getting back." Esme says walking into my room alone.

"Okay, let's do this. I'm fully prepared for anything that comes my way epsically if its the people I used to call family and friends a long time ago."

Esme smirks looking at me, leading me to the meeting room, where there were five people talking to each other on the couches. Reeva joined Esme and I at the door, then everyone turned to look at us.

"Everyone this is Grace Turner. You might remember Jace Turner, this used to be his daughter, but now she left her family and decided to help us with our cause." Reeva explains, then she turned towards me. "Grace meet your new friends Andy, Sage, Fade, Twist, and Mark. They will be accompany you on the next mission which is bringing back Lauren Strucker who is also Andy older sister." Reeva explains.

"Do we have any leads on where these people took Lauren?"

"In the warehouse where Lorna Dane gave birth. We thought the workers destroyed the place, but somehow there are mutants that can turn a crumble building back into an actual building again." Esme explains.

"Let's go then, the faster we do this, the quicker we don't have to worry about the underground getting their first."

Everyone nods and we all leave for the warehouse.

Once we arrived at the warehouse, there were two people standing outside neither of them being Lauren.

As all of us sneaked inside using the wall to break in. To my surprise the room we break into is the one Lauren and another girl are in.

Wait I remember her, this is one or my childhood best friends Jayda, she always healed me when I was hurt and kept me safe. I always wonder what had happened to her.

"Lauren, Jayda are you guys okay?" I asks them.

Jayda looks up at me. "Grace I thought you died on 7/15?" Jayda asks me getting up while also helping Lauren up.

"Its a long story, but are you guys okay?"

Andy runs into the room, looking at Lauren in concern.

"I'm fine Andy, you can thank Jayda here for healing me after these freaks kept beating us up until we did what asked us to do." Lauren sighs.

All of us got out of the room and go to the SUV outside and Jayda leaves quickly once she helped Lauren into the vehicle.


~a week later~

Andrew's (Andy) POV

Every day is getting more dangerous for any of us to leave HQ. Lauren hasn't been her. After Grace, Twist, Fade, Sage and I found Lauren she only cares about training and making sure that I'm keeping up with my training as well.

"Andy, I'm bringing in some colleagues of mine and I would like you to be there when they are here." Reeva smiled walking into my room.

"Don't you want a security team?"

"No I think it should be you. You need to remember why your here Andy. To help us build a new homeland for mutants and to help your sister." Reeva explains.

"Okay count me in. I just hope that what today brings us is what we need to exceed in doing our cause."

"Glad to hear, let's go we have lots to get done before they get here." Reeva explains.


John's POV

Thankfully Healer came back to the underground after pretending to get captured along with Lauren to make sure she was okay.

I came back to the underground carrying Lauren in my arms. She looked beat up real bad this time compared to what Healer told me. Caitlin and Reed they don't even seem to care anymore about Lauren or Andy.

As I brought Lauren into one of the medical rooms, Caitlin and Reed join me as I put her on the bed

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As I brought Lauren into one of the medical rooms, Caitlin and Reed join me as I put her on the bed.

"John, what happened, is she okay?" Reed asks me helping me not hurt Lauren while laying her down on the bed slowly.

"She entered the underground injured badly. She was alone and no one was attacking her that I could see."

Seeing Lauren wake up jumping up from the bed

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Seeing Lauren wake up jumping up from the bed. Reed comforts her while being at her side.

"What's going on?" Lauren asks sitting up from the bed.

"Its okay Lauren, your safe now." Caitlin comments hugging Lauren lightly.

"Okay guys let her get some rest you check on her later to see if she's okay."

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