Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Lauren's POV

After that last dream with Andy. I'm starting to feel like these dreams are making Andy more evil and wanting to be more powerful like our ancestors. Andy was still fast asleep on the floor in my room.

Heading out of the room quietly, I had for the training room, and do as much as I could before anyone seeing me or before Andy wakes up and notice I'm gone.

"Hologram system online." A female voice announced.

Looking around I use my mocular saw and throw them at the holograms. I keep doing this for another hour.

I could hear clapping behind me. I turn around to see Andy standing there.

"Andy what are you doing in here? I could of hurt you while training."

"I could ask you the same question Lauren. Your post to be resting and taking it easy." Reeva's voice rung in the room walking in appearing next to Andy.

"Reeva's right Lauren you should be resting, please let's go back to your room so you can rest." Andy pleaded with me.

"I'm sorry. I just needed some air and I thought doing some training would help me."

Reeva and Andy look at each other. Andy grabs my hand gently guiding me out of the training room, leading me back to my room and closing the door behind him.

"Andy trust me I'm fine."

"Lauren. Don't lie to me. I know you better than anyone else. You could of told me you were going to the training room, I would've trained with you." Andy slightly yells quietly.

"Andy. I wanted to be alone so that is why I didn't tell you. You might be my brother, but this whole overprotectiveness is really bothering me. Our dreams are partly the reason I left in the first place."

"Lauren. I know that, I've seen that change in you since you came here, I'm your brother and I don't want to see you get hurt because I wasn't there helping or protecting you." Andy argued back.

"Everything okay in here?" Esme asks knocking on the door rubbing her eyes.

"Yeah we heard some yelling." Sophie and Phoebe join in as Esme walked into the room.

"Everything is fine. Lauren did some training that could of got her hurt easily just going against Holograms." Andy replied to their answers.

"Okay. Um Andy thanks for the heads up, we'll leave it to you guys. If you need anything you know how to find us." Esme softly leaves the room with her sisters.

Andy looks over at me, and checks me to see if I'm okay.

"Andy I'm fine seriously."

"Again please don't lie to me. I really want you to be safe and happy. Please just do what the doctor asked after he helped you yesterday." Andy grabs my hand again.

"Andy I don't after what happened with this dream last night, after we fell asleep watching a movie. I had this dream where we were at the mutant homeland and we used the power of Fenris and that's all I remember from the dream."

"Lauren, your letting the darkness scare you. I wasn't in that dream with you. Please believe me that the darkness is scaring you, making you feel weak and not powerful." Andy replies hugging me.

"Thanks Andy. Your right. I'm sorry for all of this."

Andy pulls me into a hug wrapping his arms around my waist. "Its okay Lauren. I went through the same thing as you, but I was seeing you get killed in front of me, and your alive and I stopped letting the darkness take over me and my dreams. You can do the same with my help."

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