Chapter Four

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Author's Note:

So here we are with chapter four already hole cow. So in this chapter I'm not really good at fight scene so please don't say I should of add or less or more to the fight scene. I'm doing the best I can.

You'll get to here more from Lorna and Lauren in this chapter



Reed's POV

This is unacceptable. Both my children gone. Marcos and Clarice isn't back yet and I'm starting to really worry. Caitlin my wife is being like a ghost to me. All she cares about is Andy being kidnapped, but clearly he chose to leave.

Andy, Lauren where ever you too are please be together and making up and make things right.


Lauren's POV

Looking at Andy. I could tell he was determined that we end this now and I join the Hellfireclub. I wouldn't let him win the easily. He might be my brother, but I stand up for what I believe is right even if he's against it.

Clairce ended up opening a portal grabbing me before Andy and I could do anything.

"Clarice what are you doing?"

"Lauren, I know what Reeva plan is. She and the inner circle the reason they want you and Andy is because your too powerful to defeat if your together. Just try and get Andy with you alone. Meet up where you live or somewhere private. That is your only chance of ever getting your brother back for good." Marcos explained patting me on the back.

And with that Clarice and Marcos leave.

~the next day~

Here I am again, looking over the roof top of my apartment building. I couldn't stop thinking what Marcos told me yesterday. What if he said was true. Is Reeva really planning on using Andy and I for her evil plan. It makes me sick.

"Lauren." I hear Andy call out. I look over to see Andy and Lorna.

"Are you guys here about yesterday

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"Are you guys here about yesterday. Trust me I didn't know that Clarice was going to do that."

"Its okay Lauren. We knew you weren't part of their plan of taking you back to Mutantunderground. I'll leave you too at it then, but I'll be close by." Lorna smiled walking towards the stairs alone.

"Andy. You have to come back with me. Clarice told me what Reeva true plan is and it's not what she told you."

"Once again your wrong Lauren. Reeva has shared everything with me and the others. She wouldn't lie about her plans to me. Besides we still have that battle yet to determine your decison." Andy sighs grabbing my shoulders.

I take a few steps back preparing for what Andy could do.

I take a few steps back preparing for what Andy could do

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Falling to the ground from the impact of our two powers

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Falling to the ground from the impact of our two powers. I suddenly feel someone grasp onto my hand. Of course it it wasn't Andy it was Lorna.

I look over to where the stairs lead and Sage, Fade, the frost sisters, and Reeva were there watching.

"Looks like you lost Lauren." The frost sisters smirked.

"Now you two hold hands once we get to our destination and then you will do as I say." Reeva commented.

Lorna and Andy lead me to the SVU downstairs outside of the apartment building. Andy, Phoebe, Reeva, and I get into one of the SVU vehicles. This car ride to wherever this destination is better not be hurting innocent civilians.

Once we arrived, there were a lot of agents and some hounds. I look over at Andy not being happy of what I'm seeing.

"Let's go Lauren, we have some businesses to deal with over there." Andy grabs my hand dragging me out of the car over the the agents and the hounds.

"Please help us." An Male agent cried.

"Why should we help you. You didn't help us mutants when we needed you." Andy growled.



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