Chapter Ten

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Author's Note:

Hi guys. So in chapter nine I ended the chapter with a cliff hanger. Your probably wondering how Lauren was with Wes and at Inner Circle. As you could see I added new character that is now actually joining the show in two weeks.

Anyway. I can't promise much on this chapter, but from a good friend she give me an idea for the chapter so this chapter is dedicated to Sophia1289

I made a colleague for Twist. Check it out.

Also everyone. If you like this book, thank you, but I'm sorry I might stop doing this book. I love writing this, but let's me be honest I'm no writer. I can't even enjoy my day to day life without thinking I won't see my brother come home.

Well guys, here might be the last chapter for now or for good.



Twist's POV

I went behind Wes back. I have been training at the Inner Circle. Lauren hasn't woken up yet, but right now my life belongs to the Inner Circle. I want peace and freedom. Reeva made the right choice of recruiting me from that horrible prison I lived in.

Walking into the training room, there were metal objects and other objects for me to destroy. I love making trouble while using my powers and I've grown close to Andy Von Strucker enough to go on a date with him and kiss him.

Don't get me wrong, my training will always come first, but at this point in my life.

"Alright Twist. Welcome back. Today training is like everyone other time. This time we will see how long it takes you and Andy to handle these objects in the room. Now go."

Andy entered the room, appearing next to me. Luckily for me Andy trusted my powers and destroying objects

Breaking through the car barrier. Andy and I mange to finish training in 25 minutes. That's not too bad, but we can do a whole lot better than that it will just take a lot of energy and training to stay focus and prepare for war.

"Good you too. I have a mission for the both of you though. Andrew your sister Lauren she woke up from her coma. Wes has been taken care of. Twist since you know where Wes has been keeping you guys while you were in hiding." Reeva explains.

Andy and I walk out of the training room. I wish I had the guts to tell him how I feel, but I don't think he likes me enough that he would say yes.

"Hey um Twist. I know that you are still new around here and I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me once we get my sister Lauren back here." Andy asks grabbing my hands.

"Yes of course Andy. I will go on a date with you. It should be fun right? Also let's go get Lauren, but when we get there can you promise to let me talk to her first since she still thinks I'm helping the Underground."

"No problem. I'm happy to know you accepted my invitation for a date. I've been so nervous to ask you since we saved you from that prison. There isn't to many people in this world that understand me like you and Lorna do." Andy explains.

"Awe. Andy. That is the sweetest things I have heard. I'm so glad that we can talk about these kind of things. Do you think Lauren will like me. I mean she doesn't really talk about you much or even your parents."

"Its hard to explain. I left my family to join the Inner Circle because of my ancestors help building the Hellfireclub. My plan is to gather Lauren and she and I can go save our parents from the Sential Services." Andy sighs.

"You want me to come with you when you go save your parents."

"Look what we have here. Two people actually talking instead of awkward silence." Lorna smiled patting us on the back. "Good luck you too. I'll see you when you come back from getting Lauren."

Lorna walks away from Andy and I. I felt more of at home. For once in my life I can finally be the real mutant I am and I have a boyfriend or at least friend who has got my back all the way.

Finally after a long trip to the abandoned building. I walk into the building seeing boxes gone. Like there has been no one has lived here for at least a week or more.

"Hello. Lauren? Wes?"

Lauren walks out of one room which she lived in while she was in her coma.

"Hi Twist. Where have you been? Wes went looking for you after I woke up from my long term coma. What's new with you, and who did you come here with." Lauren asks drying off her hair with a towel.

"I came here with your brother Andy. Reeva asked Andy and I to come pick you up to save your parents from the Sential Services and recruit you too the Innercircle."

"Oh. I thought the coma was bad enough. I'm sorry Twist, but I need to recover fully." Lauren falls to the wall

"Please be careful, Lauren. I care about you too much to let you exhaust yourself. You need to come with us right now. We can help you back to HQ let you rest."

"Twist is right Lauren. You need to save your energy for saving mom and dad." Andy replied walking up to next to me.

"You don't get it Andy. Mom was shot twice and nearly killed twice. Dad is now a mutant and almost killed me and himself on our way back from delivery supplies for Shatter. I don't care if I tell you guys this, the underground has been devided completely. I don't know if it was just the coma, but I feel like things happened while I was unconscious." Lauren explains.

Andy and I look at each other and grab Lauren helping her to the car and heading back to HQ.

Esme, Phoebe, and Sophie looked at the three of us.

"There is no time to lose you three. Change of plans once Lauren has fully recovered we'll be set out for our first true mission of building a homeland for mutants." Esme explains.

"So be ready. Were preparing for war." Reeva comments.

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