Chapter Two

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Author's Note:

So pretty much with this chapter. I kinda of got the idea from episode 2 of season 2.

I hope you guys enjoy the chapter. I promise there will be a lot of siblings bonding in this chapter and a lot more of the Hellfireclub.



Lauren's POV

3 months later...

During my time in Washington D.C. I thought I go look for Andy. I just need to see him. Our father doesnt let me speak to him if he calls. My mom sends him letters. I left my family for Washington D.C. I didn't say goodbye to anyone. I knew if anyone knew they would try to stop me instantly and I wouldn't be where am I at now.

Looking over the roof of the apartment I live in. People down on the sidewalk talking and everything. I made no progress in finding Andy, or Lorna.


I turn around to see Andy walking over to me. He's changed everything about himself.

"Lauren, what are you doing here. Is mom and dad with you?" Andy asks.

"I'm here alone Andy. I came here three months ago coming to look for you. And now here you are."

"I'm glad your here Lauren. I told Reeva about what we can do when he combine our powers together she wants to meet you in person." Andy smiled.

"No Andy. I'm not going to talk to the person who you believe is making a right choice for every mutant. You might be my brother, but I can not help you."

Andy looks at me, then out of no reason he grabs my hand tightly.

"Andy stop this. We can't risk killing the people inside this building, and those walking on the street."

"Lauren, if you promise to come with me right now to meet Reeva I promise to let go of your hand." Andy pleaded grapsing my hand more.

"Fine, where is this meeting taking place Andy?"

"Here in this building in your apartment. I couldn't find you in there so I came up here and this is where you were. Fade has been keeping tabs on everyone and I had to see if it was really you who was here. Now please don't try anything. Reeva promised me I could live here with you if I got you to come talk to her." Andy let's go of my hand.

"Andy, you know that I won't change my mind about joining you. I'm sorry but you and your friends have to leave me alone and you need to come home. Mom is going crazy since you left. Dad is struggling with mom and with you leaving as well. They need you Andy. I need you."

"Our family helped the Hellfireclub we need to stick to the Fernis heritage." Andy replied dragging me towards the the stairs to my apartment room.

As we entered the room, Reeva was sitting on the couch with Esme, Phoebe, and Sophie.

"Sorry for intruding on your day, Lauren, but Fade has been keeping a close eye on you since you arrived here. I believe that you and your brother can help us with this war. You two are Fernis and Von Struckers the two most powerful mutants, including Lorna, myself, and everyone else in the Inner Circle and Hellfireclub. What do you say Lauren?" Reeva asks.

"Chose wisely Lauren. Reeva can train you and Andy together at HQ. Just think of it Lauren." The Frost sisters asks me.

"Sorry, my answers still remains the same. Like I told Andy I'm never joining you guys. I'm here only to take my brother home. Now you get out of here before I use my own abilities against all of you."

"Lauren. I might be your brother, but I'm sorry I have to do this to you." Andy sighs.

Andy grabs my arm and takes me outside along with the others where Lorna and Dawn are waiting.

"What is this Andy."

I pulled myself away from him, seeing Dawn crying and Lorna calming Danw down.

"Lauren. You remember when you guys first came to the Mutantunderground and you said you would always have my back no matter what decisions I made or Andy made. Right now we need you Lauren, and if you deny your promise what kind of mutant friend and sister would you be. I want my daughter to be in a good environment and I want you and Andy to help me protect her and raise her." Lorna explained rocking Dawn in her arms.


Marcos's POV

I can't believe Lauren would do this. She left without explaining why or evening telling her parents. I know for a fact she left because of Andy leaving. Caitlin and Reed are unable to speak to each other if they do, they can't talk without yelling at each other.

"Marcos? I found Lauren." Clarice says to me snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Where is she?" Reed yells running towards Clarice and I as he left the room he was in.

"Tell us Clarice." Caitlin demanded.

"She's in Washington D.C."

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