Chapter Eighteen

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Andrew's (Andy's )POV

Waiting for Lauren to come into the building. Fade and I have been on watch, pretty much I have to lie to my own sister because it's too risky for her to protect herself. I don't like the idea of doing it, but I promised Reeva that I would do it for Lauren, Lorna, and the Inner Circle.

Looking out the window, the coast was clear no morlocks or sential services. I need to prove to myself and everyone that I'm not a little kid anymore and that I'm not scared to face people I care about and to the people who have hurt me deeply.

"Andy get ready, we're moving towards a new location and we will have Lauren with us, but we have to take her to HQ first due to her almost being attacked out in public." Fade explains to me, looking towards the door Lauren walked into the building, she seemed tired and like she didn't sleep.

"Lauren, let's get you back to HQ. We have orders from Reeva to take you back there and that you stay there." Fade explains.

Right before any of us moved, there was another explosion coming outside from the building.

Fade, Lauren, and I run out of the building quickly.

Fade, Lauren, and I run out of the building quickly

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Lauren blocks a wall of where we are being are at.

Lauren blocks a wall of where we are being are at

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"Andy. You need to get Lauren out of here right now." Fade orders.

"Not happening Fade, I'm staying here to fight. I'm not backing away from a fight like this." Lauren yells.

"Just do as I say. Reeva will be pissed off if you are hurt again Lauren, now go." Fade orders again.

"Fade, you remember what you said to Andy and I when we all were still part of the underground you said hatred feeds on fear. If Andy and I leave now it means it looks like were scared when were not." Lauren argues back.

"Come on Lauren, we have to go."

Dragging Lauren back to HQ wasn't easy, but I had no choice. It was either get in trouble with Reeva because I didn't follow her orders or stay and fight while Lauren gets hurt again and again and again.

It's high time that I start protecting Lauren and myself for once. No one letting people hurt my sister or me.

~the next morning~

Lauren's POV

Things could of gone worse last night. Even the dream I had of Andy wanting to hurt the bullies that we mean to him at school all the time.

Walking to one of the training rooms. No one was here, I need everyone stayed up really late taking rounds of fighting morlocks and the sential services.

Training was the only thing I was looking forward to today. I wish that people would understand if they want my help then they should let me, that's why they've been trying to get me to join their side for so long.

Coming back into the training room, I look to see Reeva and Sage up there.

When did they get in there I know they weren't there before. It doesn't matter all I need to focus on is the training course today.

"Okay, Lauren today in training we'll have you do what we did with Andy the first day of his training, except we will have the walls moving towards you and you'll have to destroy each wall faster each time.

A bell ring showing that the one wall started moving towards me.

Later on after I destroyed all the walls, there was one last thing I had to go against

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Later on after I destroyed all the walls, there was one last thing I had to go against. It was Andy, but then four hound programs appeared behind him.

"Okay, Lauren you and Andrew will train together on this last part of your training today. These hound program will be the ones you have destroy. Good luck you too." Reeva explains turning off the intercom and watches the both us.

Andy and I look at each other and walk towards each other grabbing each other hands as they interlock with each other.

The hound programs got closer to us. After the energy from our powers we're combined the hounds we're destroyed by two groups.

So this is what its like to be powers compared to other mutants.

Andy looks up at Reeva and Sage and they both we're smiling and clapping for us.

Walking out of the training room, I headed to my room to rethink about the dream from the night before. I haven't told anyone about the dream. I know Andy would just have a scare, the frost sisters would use that as a strategy for battle, Reeva would be the same way as the frost sisters.

Andy grabs my arm, before I entered my room.

"What's going on Andy?"

"Our parents are here, along with John and Clarice. Reeva wants us to join her in meeting up with them." Andy explains.

Reeva joins us in the hallway, as we walked towards the entrance our parents came running in with John and Clarice.

"Lauren Andy." Our mother runs over to us and hugs Andy and I.

Marcos and Lorna joined us as well with Dawn in Lorna arms.

"You only have 5 minutes to talk, then you leave." Reeva explains.

"Lauren, Andy, Lorna, Marcos come back with us, we can rebuild the Mutantunderground and then from there we can form a mutant homeland by all of us redoing the Mutantunderground." John explains.

"Sorry John all of us made our decisions. Now leave. Right Marcos?" Lorna asks looking at Marcos.

"Sorry Lorna. I do want to be with you and our child, but we both know I will always love you and be with you no matter what, I'm going back with them to rebuild the Mutantunderground." Marcos explains walking over to the others.

Andy and I look over at Lorna, seeing her holding back her tears.

"Then I'll come with you Marcos. Our daughter won't be raised by one parent, I'm coming with you." Lorna joins Marcos.

"Lauren? Andy?" Our mother asks us.

'Lauren walk away you and your brother are being lied to by your own parents.'

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