Chapter Thirty-Five

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Author's Note:


So in this chapter. I thought the bond between Lauren and Andy change. I won't say how this will happen, but there will be a change of pace in this book. I haven't really decided if I wanted to make things more tense then what it is. I'm running out of ideas for all of these chapters. I need help with the next chapters. I plan on doing this book until the very last episode of season 2 of The Gifted. I'm not sure if there will be a season three for the show. Thank you all for reading this book, I'm starting to lose hope in this book becoming good. College won't be easy for me this semester when I go back on the 14th, my schedule is really busy, my class on Thursdays every week I have to do field experience for eight hours which is 8:15 am to 4:15 pm at one place. Yes I know that seems like a really long time, but I want to be a para for children with special needs/learning disabilities.

I'm so sorry that these author notes are really long and boring a lot of the time, and then the actual chapter is short, but I want you all to know my time writing these chapters are important to me, but when you are busy, and have gone through some tough times outside of this place, that takes priority over writing this book.


Esme's POV

Hearing from Lorna on how this mission to go check on the damage on the underground. Lorna warned me that my sisters and I needed to have one of the helpers who's doctor ready as Lauren was shot and was losing a lot of blood and could easily get worse in that condition. Reeva helped us get things ready for this arrival of Lorna, Lauren, and Andy.

The elevator door opened and Lorna and Andy we're carrying Lauren as fast as they could over to the infirmary where was set up in Lauren's room.

"How is her condition?" the doctor asked quickly grabs his medical things to check Lauren's breathing and checks the gun shot wounds which weren't looking so good from the blood on Lauren's shirt and the fact that she's having a hard time breathing as of the moment.

"Lauren has been doing a little better, but not by much." Andy replied pacing back and forth as all of us can tell he's nervous and worried about Lauren and her health.

"Girls, go take Andy to the meeting room to comfort him." Reeva commands me and my sisters, Lorna joins us in the meeting room as well.

"Guys, I can't... I can't lose Lauren. We're meant to be together. If I lose her, I won't be able forgive myself for letting Lauren get hurt on her birthday for saving my life." Andy panicked pacing back and forth more.

"Andy sit down, everything will be okay. Lauren is a fighter. She'll make it through this, she needs you to stay strong for her."

"How can I calm down. I let those freaks hurt her when I was right next to her. It makes me so mad, if Lauren doesn't survive from this gun shot that purifier will be paying for his own life if something goes wrong." Andy yelled out in anger.

Lorna rubs Andy's shoulder trying to comfort him right now as this was a hard time for him and Lauren as well.

Reeva walks into the meeting room, all of us looked over at her after waiting for an hour on waiting for the news on Lauren condition. Andy stands up and looking at Reeva directly in the eyes.

"How is Lauren? Can I see her?" Andy asks clenching his fists.

"Yes of course Andrew. The doctor said that it would be best if you two we're together right now. Plus Lauren was asking for you after the doctor patched up her wounds. Just take it easy when your talking with her, she has been through a lot today and is sore from the wounds and everything." Reeva replied.

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