last day

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The time had lost its value, before, I knew that today was coming but for some reason it looked so distant, like a dream. Then today came, one more day before the bombs drop, all the helpless people that have no idea what's waiting for them.

The initial guilt came back, I get to be saved but all the other people were destined to die, Michael told me to stop thinking about it, because there is nothing I can for them... and sadly he was right.

This last day feels so short yet so long, the feeling when you are waiting for something to happen, you just can't wait and you want the agony to end now. Today I wasn't the only one affected by this, the servants looked a little uneasy too and the house looked emptier than before.

Almost everything had already been taken to the outpost or was just going to be abandoned here, it was such a shame.

I felt depressed, today I had no energy to joke around with Michael or chat with Ana, all I wanted to do was stay in bed with Amon and pray for my visions to be wrong, for Michael to be wrong and that maybe the world will exist for a few more years.

I was unable to sleep yesterday, the vision of people burning were too much for me to handle, so as I was now used to I played the piano but Michael never joined me, or at least I never saw him.

"Good morning Ms. Ableman" said Ana as she entered to the bedroom.

"What have I told you?"
"That I must call you by your name... Diza"
"So do it please"
"Okay, mmm Mr Langdon says that he is waiting for you to have breakfast" I had no energy or will to actually dress up so I just decided to put a robe over my pajamas and head to the dining room like that.

"Good mo-  oh" Michael looked a little shocked, like he hadn't seen me on my pajamas before.

"Yeah sure good morning" I said taking a seat.

"I heard you playing last night, were you able to sleep at all?"

"I guessed my good humour could give you a clue" I simply answered

Michael looked as calm as always, of course the end of the world meant nothing to him. He just dismissed my bad humor and moved on.

"You need to gather your things and pack, we'll leave at night"

"Where is the outpost?"

"Far from here, but not that far. You'll see tonight"

"Great" I really wasn't in the mood and everything seemed pointless now.

The servants brought breakfast to the table, we were either apparently expecting more people to eat with us or Michael had gone crazy.

"What's with all this food?" I asked, the amount was ridiculous, this could fed the servants and us like three times.

"Well, as you may have guessed we won't have many luxuries at the outpost. Maybe in the beginning we'll have a few ones but as time goes by things will end."
Another fun fact to add to my end of the world list.

"You know there's more than enough food for us right?"

Michael still looked like he didn't get the point, so I had to explain.

"We need to share the food Michael"

"Oh that's what you want"
"What I want it's not to waste the food"

"Well then, everyone come and sit with us" he  clearly used his powers because they all moved at the same time, even Ana appeared out of nowhere.

"Michael be n-"

"Silence, we must thank for the food and ask satan to provide us with more even in adversity"  That was new for me... thanking satan... okay Michael you do you.

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