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"So... could you explain it to me again?" I asked the men sitting in front of me.

"Okay, so. Other dimensions do exist, I believe that quantum theory allows multiple versions of our universe to exist and overlap, they may even interact with one another in the quantum level" Howard explained me

"Te string theory is also a big part of this. There's a probability that this other dimensions exist but we're still working on it" Michio continued.

"Okay but, do they exist or they don't?" Madison asked now, she was just as confused as I was. I really wanted to understand but these man were too smart for me. Couldn't they just answer yes or no?...

"We... don't know for sure, although we have a lot of theories that can explain it. Imagine this, fish swimming in a pond, to them the pond is the only thing that exist, now imagine a scientist with this example. To the scientist only two dimension exist, length and width, height doesn't exist. Now when it rains, the surface of the water becomes rippled and the fish can see it, but they have no idea what the world out of their ponds is like, they don't even imagine it. It's the same for us humans, we live in this dimension, with our rules and yet we can see some ripples in the surface." They both continued.

"Okay... so, it's highly probable they exist"

"I'd like to believe so, yes" Michio answered

"Is there any way of staying in just one dimension?" Madison asked

"Well, we are now in just one dimension right?" Howard joked. They didn't understand but now I had some ideas.

"I appreciate both of you for taking your time and explaining us" I told them

"There's no problem Mrs. Ableman, you can come to us anytime you want" they answered.

"Good afternoon" Madison said as we walked out

We went to the garden and sat on a bench.

"Well, that was a lot of bullshit" Madison said lighting up a cigarette.

"It wasn't bullshit, you just didn't understand it"

"Did you?" she questioned me blowing the smoke in the contrary direction of my face.

"Not completely, but... I guess I have an idea"

"Well I'm glad you are the brain in this relationship" she joked

A smile crossed my face as I noticed how some of the trees around us still had orange leaves.

"He made fall for me" I told her


"Michael, he... made fall for a second, just for me, all the trees had beautiful orange, red and yellow leaves and they fell all around us"

"I guess that is sweet?"

"I love fall" I finally stated

"Look at you, a pinch more of love and I'll throw up. You are crazy for that guy" she told me

"What about you' have you ever been in love?" I asked Madison, she let out a heavy sigh and took another puff of the cigarette.

"Maybe once... but, It didn't work out" she said looking away from me

"What was his name?"

"Kyle, I was a bitch back then"

"Back then?"

"Oh shut up!" she laughed now, I could see how talking about him affected her

"And... did you ever tried to find someone else? wouldn't you like to have a chance?"

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