one shot #1

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This is about one of the getaways Michael and Diza used to have.

Today is friday, my lessons at the academy are over until next monday, of course we learned things everyday and I wasn't supposed to go anywhere but here during the weekend, but I always went out.

Michael would pick me up a few blocks away from here, we weren't used to spend much time apart. Before Zoe told me to come to the academy I spent most of my time with Michael, my aunt didn't care whether I came or go, so I visited the satanist church as much as I could, then spent time with Michael, and sometimes his mom would invite me for dinner. She even allowed me to stay for the night one time.

They were the closest thing to a family I had.

So, when I started my classes here, I felt like an outsider, which I was, and I didn't like it a bit. There were days where I would just ran out and meet Michael at a park or something, but we had a better plan this now. He would pick me up every friday and returned me to school on monday.

We texted as much as we could and decided that this weekend we'll go camping. The clock read 6 pm and I was impatient, a bag of clothes, my wallet and a flashlight were already waiting at the feet of my bed. All I had to do was wait for Michael's text that he was already here, and I would grab my things and escape as I always do.

-I'm here 3:)- Michael's text said.

I quickly got my backpack and went out of the house from behind, then ran as fast as I could out of there, the joy I felt in that moment was indescribable. The chilling air of the afternoon hitting me as I ran made me feel free. Soon I spotted Michael's car, I wouldn't miss that red car ever.

He got out of the car and took me into a big hug before kissing my lips.


"Hi" I answered with a big smile.

I got in and he did the same, I put my bag on the back seat and let out a little shout of excitement as he started the engine.

"Are you ready?" he asked giving me a quick glance and taking my hand.

"Of course" I answered as I urged him to go.

As always I played music from my cellphone as he drove, I already knew what Michael liked so we always ended up singing crawling by Linkin park with all of our hearts.

The woods we were going camping were three hours away, so we made a quick stop to grab what we could from a store in the gas station and run. 

We were laughing at the man who tried to get us but couldn't, we stole some chips and candy for our weekend camping.

"How have you been doing?" he asked me turning down the volume a little.

"Great, this week I was able to transmute around the house without getting stuck" I told him and he chuckled.

"How's been yours? too many plans for the antichrist?" I asked him teasingly.

"Actually yes, even if you're laughing" he said quickly looking at me.

"Sorry demon boy, just remember that this we are supposed to relax and enjoy during this weekend" I told him admiring his profile, even if it was getting late, the faint light of the street illuminated his beautiful factions. I felt a smile forming on my lips, as I realized how lucky I was to be with him.

"You're drooling Diza" Michael said mocking me and I stuck my tongue out.

After a while and much singing and eating we were finally here. The sun was already gone, so we decided to set up the tent.

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