Heartbeat Chapter 5. Closer

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5. Closer




We reached the Ducati in no time, its shiny exterior gleaming under the moonlight. I’d never ridden a motorcycle before, and frankly, I felt a mix of apprehension, excitement, and fear just from staring at it. Emiri positioned herself on the vehicle, while I awkwardly stood on the side, unsure of what to do.

Sensing my hesitation, she gave me an encouraging smile. “Don’t worry. I’m good at riding it. Or would you rather I turn into a bat and carry you all the way?” she teased me.

I climbed on the back clumsily and reached out my hand as she passed a helmet to me. “Safety first,” I heard her snicker. I breathed deeply- this girl is going to be the death of me. She tied her hair securely, but didn’t wear a helmet herself.

She revved the engine which purred smoothly in response. I placed my arms around her waist and braced myself, and then we started to move. The quiet neighborhood whizzed past us as we went straight for the road. There were few cars as expected because of the time.

During the whole ride it felt like we are flying, with the wind hitting my body. I welcomed it like an old friend, getting the thrill of a lifetime. Despite wearing the helmet, I could still smell Emiri’s intoxicating scent, making me drunk with happiness. I gripped her waist tighter and she stiffened a little, but relaxed after a few seconds and enjoyed the whole thing with me.

We rode for two hours, and I didn’t really pay attention to where we were going. I only noticed the surroundings when she declared that we were near our destination. I noted that the scenery was unfamiliar. From the looks of it, she took me to a place I’d never been to before.

In the distance, I could hear the sound of the ocean. I sniffed deeply, the smell of the salty air wafting in my nose. Emiri parked near a huge metal gate that had the letter ‘T’ on it.

“Whose property is this?” I asked.

Emiri got up from the motorcycle and removed her hair tie, her silky black hair falling gloriously down.  “No one important,” she muttered.

She helped me from the vehicle and placed my helmet on top of the Ducati. I looked around nervously.

“I don’t want to get in trouble.”

“You won’t,” she said while walking to the gate. She opened it a little and signaled for me to go first. My curiosity got the best of me, so I walked inside. I was surprised to see a lot of trees and green grass that was manicured to perfection.

In the midst of it all was a cobblestone path that leads somewhere I couldn’t really see. In that moment I felt like Dorothy- taken from Kansas and flown straight to Oz, a land of mystery and sorcery. I stared at Emiri, wondering at the back of my mind how she bewitched me to come with her, to feel a whirlwind of emotions I have never encountered before.

She cleared her throat. “Our destination is a few minutes’ walk from here. If you’re too tired to go, I can always carry you.”

My cheek heated up. “I was able to rest on the way here, so thanks but I think I can manage.”

 I started to follow the path, while Emiri walked beside me. The dazzling ocean greeted us at the end. At the sight of the water splashing gently on the beach side, all my fears and hesitation vanished. The water was illuminated by the moon, and everything looked magical. In the distance, I could see a huge villa. No one stopped us on the way here, so I assumed that the owner was on a vacation somewhere else.

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