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Hola Todos!

It's me again, Hime, sexier than ever. Ha! Jokes aside, I'm happy to announce that the company Tales has acquired my book, Hearbeat, and I am now making a visual novel in their app of my story.

I know that I said years and years ago that Chapters Interactive had acquired it, but it took too long to be made. Some internal things were not met, and at the time I had declined to make the script for it myself due to the making of other books, so the project was pushed back.

With the pandemic, the production of everything (games, movies, books, basically everything, even vibrators-don't tell your mom I said that) went into a crawl. I got impatient over the years and told the powers that be in Chapters that I wanted to move my story. Hence, it being acquired by Tales. I still love Chapters though (Kidnapping the Princess and Starstruck are still with them as mobile games, so please support it).

In the meantime, to continue reading this book, Heartbeat, you can download the app "Tales Writer" from Google itself. I think they're allowing early access and it's available in Android, iPhone 11, and as per one of the moderators, the newest versions of iPad.

Support all you can, my loves.

As for newer projects, I am in the middle of making a new lesbian book to be released in Amazon. It's about lots and lots of beautiful ladies and a murder mystery (a first for me). I'm drafting a trilogy too but focusing on heterosexual protagonists this time (who knows when I'll get to write it? Maybe at the 4th quarter of this year?)

As for the Patreon, I'm still setting it up. I honestly have no clue how to work with it and will try to figure it out.

Meanwhile, please read this story in Tales for me to be able to continue writing. I'll update the visual novel each week. I have a contract, so I have to. Lol.

-Your faithful servant, err, Author friend,


Heartbeat (GirlxGirl) lesbianWhere stories live. Discover now