Heartbeat Chapter 7. Broken Promise

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                           7. Broken Promise

“What size are you ordering?”

Huh? My eyes met Max’s confused face. What was going on again? Realization dawned on me. I was standing on my favorite café in the mall, ordering with Max, while Marley waited for us at our table in the corner. It seemed that I spaced out again.

“Oh sorry Max, I’m getting the Grande.” I shook my head slightly, trying to get rid of my own confusion.

“Damn woman. I thought I lost you for a second there. What were you thinking about anyway?” Max drawled on with his Brit accent.

“Nothing, I just didn’t get enough sleep last night.”

“I see. . . Just go and sit with Mar. I’ll follow you in a second.”

Max turned back to the counter and ordered up. I walked back to our table and sat ungracefully, putting my hands under my chin. I let out a puff of air.

“You look so glum Clover. Did your pet die . . .?” Marley choked on the last word, suddenly remembering my crazy predicament.

I just stayed silent. I knew the cause of my depression all too well- Emiri. It was probably because it has been one week since I’d seen her. Ever since the night of the sleepover, I haven’t caught a glimpse of her once, even her shadow. Because of that, I felt empty, bothered, and aching, which was strange for me considering I’d never felt these raw emotions before. I never knew it could be this . . . unsettling.

Max arrived with our orders in his hands. “I know just the thing you need Clover.”

“Peppermint Mocha?” I said while taking my own cup from Max’s hand.

“Nope! You my friend need a man in your life,” he replied cheerily.

I snorted in response. “In case you’ve forgotten, the doctors told me I’m dying.”

“It’s a modern world where miracles happen. Besides, I don’t believe you’re, you know. . .” he trailed and looked pointedly at me.

“Thanks Max. . .” I murmured while taking a sip from the cup.

“My baby always knows the right thing to say,” Marley said proudly while pinching Max’s cheek. I turned away from their display of affection. I didn’t need to be reminded that my own semi-girlfriend haven’t contacted or talked to me yet.

“Anyway Clover, my old buddy Xavier from London is coming for a visit soon. I showed him your picture and as per his words- She’s perfect mate I’m dying to meet her.” Max gave me a wink. “Trust me, one look at him and all that sickness business will vanish in an instant. I mean Xavier has always been a heart breaker.”

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