Heartbeat Chapter 4. Dying Wish

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  4. Dying Wish




Over the next few days, I lived a double life. In the morning, I would spend the day with the twins and my mom. Sometimes we would go to the mall, watch a movie, or eat out. But most of the time, we stayed inside the house because my body got easily fatigued. Without speaking about it, we treasured each other’s company. No one brought up the subject of death, knowing full well that I didn’t know how to deal with it, but I felt their concern and own fears nonetheless.

My mom would often tell me how much she loved me. Amanda was always asking for sister bonding time, which she didn’t do before I got sick. Jack would sometimes grab my hand and call me his beautiful lover, or blurt out silly jokes when everyone was silent. Underneath their smiles, I could see the sadness of losing me.

At night, Emiri would come over and that was my favorite part. I often bombarded her with questions about vampires, but she’d dodge it easily and asked about me instead. I didn’t understand why she found me so fascinating, but I never pushed her away because I secretly enjoyed her company.

She never asked to drink my blood again, and at the back of my mind, I’ve always wondered if she was hungry because of my refusal, or if she fed on another person before she came over. The thought haunted me, but I didn’t say a thing. I was such a coward. But I guess I was unfair too, because I never told her I was dying.

All the while, my body deteriorated. There were times when I couldn’t get up from the bed. I’d wake up dizzy, and was often fatigued and shaking. What made me feel alive was the thought of seeing my vampire friend at night. Sometimes she’d stay with me until I fall asleep, which thrilled me endlessly.

“Hey,” Emiri said while walking inside my bedroom like she owned the place. She gave me one of her dazzling half-smiles that always gave me goose bumps. I could never get used to seeing her perfection. I blinked several times and shook my head in confusion.

“Awestruck much?”

“You wish,” I retorted.

“What are you listening to?” Her boots thudded softly on my wooden floor as she approached me on the bed.

“It’s Burn by Ellie Goulding. You know her?” I gently removed the headphones in my ear.

She sat beside me. “Nah! I’m too busy being cool to listen to music.”

I rolled my eyes at her. “Where do you live anyway? Where do you go when you’re not here?” I started asking my usual questions again, the ones she would usually shrug off.

“I live under a bridge,” she said with a smirk.

“Fine, don’t answer. I’m used to it now.” I got up and walked to my desk, turning my back to her. I set my iphone down and arranged the speakers.

“What are you doing?”

I ignored her and continued hooking my phone to the speaker. I only glanced at her once the music started playing, Goulding’s catchy voice streaming softly inside the room. Emiri raised an eyebrow.

“I wonder if you’re too cool to dance with me,” I said with a smile on the edge of my lips. She just stared at me. My body moved to the rhythm of the song, and slowly, I started to walk to her. I pulled her arm, coaxing her to get up.

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