Heartbeat Chapter 9. First Encounter

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                                    9. First Encounter


The next afternoon, I found myself in front of a large school building. According to Isabelle, this is the high school where Clover Valentine goes. I parked the Ducati on the side and stared at the paper that Isabelle gave earlier. It contains everything about that girl- from her birthday which is the same as mine, her family background, location of her home, to the smallest details like her school club. There’s also a picture of her, taken in secret, grinning widely to her friends.

I folded the paper and shoved it inside my leather jacket. Now where is a good place to observe her? I searched around the area and noticed a couple of trees near the entrance of the school- it’s perfect.  I walked to the spot, ignoring the bystanders who gawked at my face. I know what they see when they look at me. I can easily hide the tint of silver in my eyes through an illusion if I want. My fangs won’t come out if I don’t will it to. But my features are a dead give-away. Let’s just say that perfection is an understatement. I smiled to myself.

A glance at my watch informed me that it’s nearly 4 pm. Soon, Clover will come out of the building, and I’ll get to observe her myself. Several minutes passed before she got out with her friends. My sharp eyes focused on her features.

Her soft hair bobbed up and down as she walked, with her brown almond eyes lighting up in glee, as if she enjoyed the conversation. My eyes drifted lower to her toned slender body. I was surprised at how she carried herself. Such grace cannot be seen easily on humans.

The word beautiful slipped from my tongue, and I blinked several times before I realized what I just said. What are you saying Emiri? This is not the time to ogle the human. Clover and her friends are nearing the place where I’m standing, so I quickly hid behind the tree to avoid being seen. It’s not time for her to meet me.

I returned the very next afternoon. This time though, I decided to follow her all the way home. After she said goodbye to her friends, she got inside her car and went on her way. I followed her with my Ducati, taking care not to let her notice me. A few minutes later, she pulled outside a charming 2-storey house, while I parked the Ducati at the back of her home. Since I can’t go inside, I had to rely on my sharp hearing to know what’s happening. Clover went up the stairs and entered a room, which must be hers. Conveniently, it’s on the side of the street where I am parked.

She plopped down on the bed and seemed to be typing something on her phone. I sharpened my hearing and heard Lady Antebellum’s voice singing Just a Kiss. She must be listening to music on her phone. A few minutes passed and the next song played - an upbeat sound mentioning the words Fancy and Iggy, or something like that. Wow, her tastes are weird- but even if that’s the case, I stayed there for a while, listening to song after song, as if I’m right there with her.

I went home that night confused as hell. I don’t know exactly what to do. Clover’s life seems to be good. I don’t want to ruin it by hypnotizing her, feeding on her for hundreds of years, and breaking her in the process. But what will I do? We’ll both die if I don’t. Is it better for her to live her life broken? My mind argued. I can’t take this! I must find solace.

I was walking towards the path leading to the labyrinth when I sensed another vampire approaching. “Sister,” Viktor said in greeting.

“Viktor,” I replied back while giving him a small smile.

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