Heartbeat Chapter 10. Birthday

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10. Coming of Age


The weeks flew by quickly. Before I knew it, my coming of age was around the corner. On the 3rd of April, Clover and I would reach 18, and the curse would begin for both of us. I tried to stay away from her since our meeting in the café, but I always found myself standing by her bedroom window at night, or stalking her when she went to school. I was not entirely curious about humans since we lived and interacted with them normally. Rather, Clover managed to bewitch me without even knowing it.

What did I find fascinating about her? Let me enumerate a couple. She moved gracefully, even for a human. Her eyes would light up with excitement when talking to her friends. There was always a little smile on the edge of her lips, like she was thinking of a private joke. She was kind hearted and close to her mom and siblings. And don’t get me started on her looks- she’d give me a run for my money.

Alright, alright, I knew she wasn’t perfect; after all she was just human. But whereas I was like an angel with an ethereal beauty, she was the mortal who managed to capture my heart. I’d happily tear my wings for her, or die with her for that matter.

What could you call this feeling? I had only known of contempt, duties, and endless traditions. But with her I felt all warm and fuzzy, and believe me, Emiri doesn’t do warm and fuzzy- ever. It was like being engulfed with a soft and comfortable blanket after staying out in the rain for a long time. When I was not with her I felt like I was drowning.

Maybe that was the reason why it was so impossible for me to stay away. Sometimes I couldn’t help but tease her, especially when she was alone. When in the mall or walking somewhere, I’d go near her and accidentally brush her hand. Before she catches me, I would long be gone. I never showed her my face again as promised, or so she thought. . .

April 3

“Master they are waiting for you,” Isabelle called out from the other side of the door. I glanced at myself in the mirror and adjusted the white half-mask that I’d be wearing for today’s masquerade. It was always a tradition for the Tepes House to throw a party for ones coming of age.

All the important vampires in the society would usually visit to pay respect. The Dama or current ruler would welcome them, but since the selection has yet to happen, my brothers and I would have to be extra friendly. I smoothed my black ball gown before walking out the door. My mother and Catarina would kill to see me like this, I thought with a pang.

“You look extra radiant today,” Isabelle greeted me. I eyed her wearing her silver gown and said in return, “So do you.”

We proceeded to the ballroom where everyone was gathered. Viktor was waiting outside the huge doors. “Sister,” he said with a small bow. “You’re simply ravishing, happy birthday.” He reached out and kissed my hand.

I saw Isabelle raise her eyebrows in the corner of my eye. “I’ll proceed first,” she muttered before entering the door.

I turned to my brother. “You’re too gallant Viktor. If they didn’t know we’re related, one would mistake us for lovers,” I smirked.  Viktor placed an arm around my shoulder which made me strangely uncomfortable.

“Do you know sister that the vampires of the old used to marry each other to keep the blood pure?”

I gently removed his arm. “And what do you mean by that?” What was he saying? He was seriously creeping me out.

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