Heartbeat Chapter 6. Guilty Pleasure

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                                                6. Guilty Pleasure

The house was silent when I got in. It seemed that Emiri’s suggestion worked better than expected. I glanced at the clock on the living room wall, noticing that it was only after 5:30 am. They wouldn’t be up until 8, so I had plenty of time to gather my thoughts. I climbed the stairs and headed to my room, hoping to catch a little sleep before everyone woke up for the day.

I lay on the bed and burrowed my head under the pillow. Emiri’s scent still lingered inside the room. My thoughts went back to her. It was funny how things ended up this way. She was a complete stranger at first. Sure she intrigued me, I mean who can say no to meeting a freaking vampire? But once I knew her personality more and more each time she visits, I just couldn’t help but feel something for her.

What was I feeling anyway? Was it lust, admiration, or God forbid- love? I’d never experienced it before, and I’m not good at dealing with emotions, but she seemed to know what buttons to push when it comes to me. A half-smile from her could instantly melt my heart. A touch sends my body to frenzy. And her lips. . . Oh, God! Her lips are heavenly. My body heated up just thinking about it. I let out a groan.

But she was right. No matter how much I adored her, or even if I was falling madly, deeply in love with her that my heart was about to burst, one fact still remained; I didn’t know her that well. I had no idea how she lived her life when she wasn’t inside my room. I didn’t know the whole story about her family and vampires. Heck I didn’t even know her last name.

Would I feel differently towards her once I already knew? Would my heart cease pounding like a drum? Would she not intrigue me anymore? More importantly, would I ever stop falling in love with her?

I slowly drifted off to sleep with those thoughts in my mind.

“My lover looks like a princess doesn’t she?” I could hear someone in the room with me.

“I’d be seriously grossed out if my brother said that,” someone whispered.

“You’ll wake her up with all the noise you’re making,” a guy with a sexy British accent chimed in.

I opened my eyes slowly and saw my brother Jack, my best friend Marley, and her boyfriend Max standing by the door. I didn’t get up and just stared at them dumbly thinking it was a dream.

“I told you she’d wake up,” Max said smugly before pulling Jack’s hand and dragging him outside the room, leaving me and my best friend alone, staring awkwardly at each other.

Marley has been my friend since elementary days. Though we didn’t look alike, strangers and new acquaintances would often think that we were sisters because of how close we were. She hadn’t changed at all since I last saw her. She still sported a pixie haircut which looked good on her small, beautiful face. In fact, she reminded of that celebrity, Kristin Kreuk. Her petite frame was still the same, though I could see that she now had a fresh tan which she probably picked up from vacation. On her face was a worried expression. Uh oh!

“Hey Marley,” I heard myself say.

At the mention of her name, she marched to the bed and placed her hands on her hips. “Why didn’t you tell me?” she said with a raspy voice, like she was about to break down and cry- one I was very familiar with.

I raised myself to a sitting position and didn’t answer. How could I even begin to tell her? I was about to speak up when she hugged me fiercely, her pixie hair scratching softly against my cheek.

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