Heartbeat Chapter 3. Uninvited

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3. Uninvited




  “You look so peaceful.”

 I could feel someone on the bed with me. I didn’t open my eyes, but immediately knew it was her. She smelled exotic, like everything I love, combined into one alluring scent. Her body heat warmed me up, making my cheeks flush and my heart beat faster. Not again.

I stirred a little. What day was it? I searched my foggy brain. That’s right, it has been two days after the twins and I went to the mall. I wasn’t feeling well after, so I told everyone I would rest for a few days.

“Why are you here?” I finally asked. I opened my eyes and saw her sitting beside me on the bed, looking as Godly as ever. I blinked a few times. She was wearing dark tight jeans, a white form-fitting v-neck, a leather jacket, and her knee-high boots. Why must she look so sexy? I groaned softly.

She gave me that half-smile of hers. “I told you I’ll be back.”

This again? Wasn’t she tired of playing this game? Fine! She was a freaking vampire, but what did she want from me? I’m so not in the mood for this, though she looks too yummy too eat, my brain taunted.

“You’re not invited here. Just go.”

She stared at me for a long time, not moving from the bed.

“Would you like me to throw you out, or do you want me to throw things at you?” I moved to a sitting position and smiled sweetly at her, rolling my eyes for added sarcasm.

A small frown formed on her face. “I don’t understand why you hate me so much.” Emiri got up from the bed and moved to the window. Her head turned my way. “It doesn’t matter though,” she continued. “I’ll come back every time until you get sick of me.”

She jumped outside like she did the first night.

A few minutes after she left, my heart began to burn. The pain was too unbearable, so I clutched helplessly at my chest. I let out a moan of pain, fearing the worst. God, make it stop! It hurts so much that I couldn’t even call out to my mom and the twins.

I fell from the bed and stayed as still as possible, hoping things would be over soon. Wave after wave of pain raked my body, and I squeezed my eyes shut, not knowing what else to do. Right then, I felt someone touch my cheek. I pushed my head toward the hand, grateful for the contact. Another hand gently rubbed my back, comforting me, gliding up and down softly, and calming my weak body. We stayed that way a couple of minutes more, until the pain subsided.

“Are you okay now?” Emiri spoke beside me, worry etched in her voice.

“Why did you come back?” I tried to get up, but my body felt like it was made out of stone. I felt slightly ashamed that she came back to comfort me, even after I forced her to leave.

“Don’t move!” Emiri took my head and positioned it on her lap. I didn’t know whether I should be embarrassed or grateful, so I just stayed silent.

“I was still around, so I came over when I heard you,” she whispered, her voice rasping a little.

“You heard me?”

“Yes, I’m a vampire remember?”

“This time I’m glad you are. Thank you,” I whispered.

I didn’t see her smile, but somehow I knew she was. Despite my earlier embarrassment, I snuggled closer, savoring her warmth, softness, and great scent. Could I trust her? I thought she was an evil bloodsucker, but somehow this creature was able to comfort me, so I should be grateful.

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