3. sneaking out & parties

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Betsy POV

"Are you ready?" Ashton asked me from the back of luke's car as we sat in the parking lot. "Ready as I'll ever be" I said. "Remember you have to act like everything is normal ok?" Luke said.

"Got it" I said. "Everyone ready?" Luke asked everyone. All the guys nodded their heads. I got out of the car and met courtney in front of the school. "Let's get the cheating son of a bitch" courtney said as we walked in the school.

We walked in and I walked up to him. "Hey babe what did you do yesterday?" I asked him. "Has to babysit my little brother" he said. I nodded. All of the sudden Calum and Michael come up behind Harvey and tap him on the shoulder making him turn around throwing 2 huge smoothies on him.

I quickly turned around where Ashton was waiting to hand me smoothies. Harvey turned back to me as I splash him with two more. He was taken back as he wiped his eyes.

"What the fuck!" He yelled. By now everyone was looking. "That's for cheating on me you lying son of a bitch" I said before turning and walking away. I caught up with courtney. "You did great b!" She said high fiving me.

after school

court 💓💓
hey you coming to that party

what party

court 💓💓
Steve hickerson's party it's gonna be great

I'm in

I went downstairs for a drink and found luke and the guys on the couch. "Hey bets are you going to that party?" I heard Calum ask. "Yeah" I said opening the fridge.

"No your not" luke said. "Ooooo" I heard the rest of the boys say. "yes I am" I said drinking my water walking up to them. "Betsy no your not it's a bad party" he said "who are you to tell me what to do?" I asked annoyed.

"I'm your older brother and I'm supposed to protect you and I'm telling you, your not going to that party" he said sternly. "Are you going?" I asked.

"Yes" he said. I threw my hands up in the air. "That's not fair luke" I said. "Dude just let her go" Ashton mumbled to luke. "Your not going and that's that." Luke said looking at me. "I fucking hate you sometimes" I mumbled.

"What was that?" He yelled. I rolled my eyes and ran up the stairs. I guess I have to cancel on courtney. or do I.....

a few hours later

I was under my covers when luke knocked on my door "Come in" I whispered. "We're leaving" he said. "I can't believe your really not going" ashton said peeping behind him. "Yeah I'm actually tired so I'm just going to go to bed"  I fake yawned.

"Ok goodnight love you" luke said closing the door. "Goodnight" I whispered. I listened for them to leave before ripping the sheets off me and putting the last touches of makeup on. Perfect. I got a call from courtney.

"Hello?" I answered. "Hey I'm outside of your window" courtney whispered. "You don't have to whisper" I said laughing and looked out my window to see her car parked on the street. "Am I really about to climb out this window" I asked her. "I think you are" She said. "Ok then" I said and hung up. I took a deep breath and climbed out my window.


We pulled up to the party. "So are you gonna meet new guys since your single?" She asked. "Maybe" I said. "I don't know maybe im not over Harvey" I said putting my head in my hands. "This was a bad idea let's leave" I said. "Too late were already here, you already snuck out, it's too late" she said laughing.

We got out of the car and walked into the house. The smell of alcohol hit us like a ton of bricks. "courtney!"someone yell across the room. "Hey I'll catch you later" she said turning to me. I nodded. I went over to the punch bowl.

"Ew what even is this?" I asked myself. "I've been asking myself that for the past 10 minutes" a guy beside me said laughing. I laughed. "I'm harry" he said smiling. "Betsy" I said back.

"Oh your the girl who poured that smoothie all over Harvey!" He said laughing. "Guilty" I said laughing. "That was epic!" He said. "Oh this is my favorite song" I said as a song came on. "Wanna dance?" He asked. "Why not" I said taking his hand onto the dance floor.

We dance for a while. It was really fun. We eventually got tired so we went to get a drink. "Here have this" he said handing me a cup. I drank it. "Ew what the fuck is that?" I laughed. "I have no idea" he said laughing.

We drank and drank and drank until I didn't even know what I was saying anymore. "I want you to meet my friends" he said grabbing my waist to keep me stable. "Oh yeah let's do that" I said stumbling all over the place.

"Hey Guys im bet-" I said as we turned around but I turned around to see the worst person possible. I turned around to a very angry older brother with his friends.

word count: 901

sorry this chapter was kinda short oh whale 🐳

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