25. Graduations & goodbyes?

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Betsy POV

It's been a few weeks since Ash got his acceptance letter. Luke got his letter in the mail today. He got in miraculously with his extra curriculars. I'm so proud of him. They're rooming together with Mike and Calum across the hall. Yeah, they got in too. Don't ask me how I have no clue. Anyways graduation is this weekend and I have mixed feelings.

I'm so happy because I never thought i'd live to see the day the boys graduate. I'm also super sad because my brother, the love of my life, & my best friends are leaving. They'll all be 2 hours away. No more band practices. No more Friday nights. My house will be...oh god...quiet!

I suddenly heard snapping in front of my face.

"You okay there bets? You zoned out on me again" Ashton laughed. I cleared my throat. "Uh yeah. You were saying" I said. "Okay so i'm taking this one class that's 5 hour long, but it's okay because i only have it Mondays & Fridays" He smiled. I nodded along. "Sorry am i talking about college too much?" He laughed.

"No it's okay you're just excited" I smiled. "I know i feel bad because i know your really sad about us leaving and-"

"Ash, baby i will live" I said grabbing his face. He leaned forward and kissed me. "I don't know if i can live without your lips everyday though" I laughed. "That's because my lips are irresistible" He smiled. I rolled my eyes. Then he started talking about his classes again.

I only ever cried when he left.

I was sitting with next to Courtney waiting for the ceremony to start and I'm not gonna even gonna lie I couldn't sit still. "Bets it'll start soon" Courtney laughed at me. "Sorry i just can't believe this is happening" I said.

"I know I didn't think mike was gonna graduate" she laughed. "I'm gonna miss him so much" she said quietly. I grabbed her hand. "Hey it's gonna be ok you'll have me" I smiled.

"Will everyone please silence please" a man on the stage said. "Shhh it's starting!" I said to Courtney. The man went through a boring speech like they always do, it felt like forever before they started calling names.

"Michael Gordon Clifford" the man said over the speaker. Courtney shot up and started cheering followed by Michael's mom. I stood up too but wasn't as nearly as excited as Courtney.

They went on the the next person and we all sat down. She had a smile plastered on her face. I just laughed.

A little while later and I heard "Luke Robert hemmings" I shot up and started cheering the loudest I could. Courtney stood up too. We sat down. "I'm gonna miss that idiot" I smiled.

"Calum Thomas hood" I saw Calum's mom and dad stand up along with Mali and Tori, Calum's girlfriend. I liked tori. They started dating a few weeks ago, she fit in pretty well with our group. Courtney and I stood up cheered too.

It felt like forever before we got to the I's. I shifted anxiously in my seat. "Ashton fletcher irwin" the man said. I shot up along with his family. I started to tear up as I saw him give a big smile to us when he grabbed his diploma.

We sat back down. "I can't believe their leaving" I said letting one tear fall before wiping my eyes.


I looked around for Ashton after the ceremony and finally saw him in a crowd of people. I ran up to him and jumped on him and hugged him as tight as possible. "Nice too see you too" he laughed. I got off him. "You did so good!" I smiled. "Babe, I just walked up a stage and grabbed a piece of paper" he laughed.

"and that was the best paper grabbing I've seen in my life" I said kissing him. I heard someone clear their throat. We broke apart and looked to see luke. "Do I get some time with my little sis?" He asked us. I smiled and wrapped in a tight hug. "I'm so proud of you luke" I said.

Soon Calum & tori came over with Michael & Courtney. "Hey guys" Calum said. We all got in a group hug. I frowned. "Hey we still have this summer bets" Calum said side hugging me. "I know, I just can't believe your leaving" I said.


"Why'd you take me here?" I asked ashton as we sat down at a restaurant. "I can't just treat my girl right?" He asked smiling. I tilted my head and made a 'really?' face. He sighed. "I needed to tell you something and I-" he stopped. My hands started to sweat.

I cleared my throat. "Um what is it?" I asked my voice shaking. He looked down. "I already told the boys, well not luke" he said. My heart dropped. "W-why?" I asked nervously. He didn't say anything. "Of course the guys didn't want me to but I think it's for the best" he still wouldn't look at me. I-is he about to break up with me?

"I know you're not gonna be happy about this" he said finally meeting my gaze. He grabbed my hand, but I pulled it back. "Ash?" I said. He bit his lip. "So you know college is coming up this September-"

"Ashton I love you why would you do this to me" I said getting up from the table. A wave of confusion went over his face. "What?" He said. Tears started to pour out of my eyes. "After all of this are you kidding me?" I said. He just stared at me. "Betsy I have no idea what-"

"Don't act so stupid, I-" I stopped.

"I thought you really loved me, God I'm so stupid" I said running out of the restaurant.

word count: 992

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