27. happy endings & see you laters

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Betsy POV

"You're not going?" Luke asked me. "Nope" I said. "Betsy i understand you're hurt but he's leaving, you're seriously not going? He's not coming back until the end of summer" HE asked me. "Luke, i am not going. End of story." I rolled my eyes. "I'm sorry, It's just i thought- never mind" He said.

"What?" I asked. "It's just.....I thought you loved him" He said before closing the door.

Luke POV

I pulled up to ashton's house where Mikey , Calum, and Courtney were already waiting for me. I got out and i saw ashton lift his head to look behind me. He looked back at me. I shook my head. "She really didn't come?" Calum asked. "No" I sighed. "It's okay, i wouldn't expect her to" Ashton frowned.

"This is the last of the luggage" Ashton's little brother harry said putting a bag in the trunk of the car. "Thanks bud, go tel mom i'm about to leave" He said. Harry ran back inside. "I guess this is goodbye" He said. "Only for 2 months" Ashton laughed.

"Just to leave again with me and Luke" Michael commented. "Right" Courtney sighed. "I'm gonna miss you bud" I said hugging him. "I know betsy will too" I said. He nodded weakly. "This is all my fault" Courtney blurted out.

We all looked at her. "If i never siked her out about you not being there she would have never-"

"You can't blame yourself for this Courtney, i'm the one who told her to break up with me" Ashton said.

"It's my fault"

"God i'm such a dick" He said turning around and kicking his car.

None of us said anything. "I best be going now" He sighed. "Alright man, see you at the end of summer" Michael said hugging him followed by Courtney.

He reached for his handle when we heard a car door slam. We all looked in the direction of the noise. We saw Betsy running towards us. "Did he leave?" She yelled. "Please tell me he didn't leave!" She said running up to us.

We all looked at ashton as he stepped into her view. She covered her mouth and started crying as she ran up to him and tackled him in a hug. "I'm sorry" She cried not letting go of him.

"I'm sorry too" He said not letting her go either. "I didn't mean it" she said through her sobs. "I know you didn't, I didn't either, I love you" he said still not letting go. "I love you too" she said.

Betsy POV

"So this is it" I said. "Yep" Ashton said throwing his bag on one of the two beds. "Next 4 years of my life" he said. "College looks fun, better than high school" I said looking out his window onto the campus

"You'll be here next year" he said coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. "It's gonna be hard without you back home" I said turning around to face him, his hands still on my waist.

"It'll be hard here without you" he said brushing hair out of my face. "I'd much rather share a room with you than your brother, don't tell him I said that" he whispered. I laughed.

He lifted my chin to look at him. He started to lean in. "HEY GUYS!" Luke creamed coming in. Making us jump apart. "Oh did we intrude?" Calum said behind luke. "Actually-"

"No" I said quickly. "Where's mike and court?" I asked sitting on one of the beds. "Oh they 'took a wrong turn'," Calum said putting up air quotes. "Yeah a wrong turn into the janitors closet" luke laughed.


"I have to go" I said trying to part from Ashton's grip, but he just pulled me back closer. "Noo stay the night" ashton whined. "Ashton you have classes tomorrow" I said looking up at him. He groaned.

"I'll miss the last bus home if I don't leave soon" I laughed. "I already stayed two more hours than I was suppose to" I said. "I don't want you to leave, I won't see you again for two months" he frowned. "We can still text and call" I said. "It's not the same" he said burying his head into my shoulder. I hugged him tight.

"I'll miss you" I said trying to fight back tears. He looked at me. "I'll miss you more" he said kissing my nose. I started walking towards the door and reached for the handle but stopped. I turned back around and tackled him into another hug. "Goodbye Ashton" I cried.

"Hey hey" he said wiping the tears rolling down my cheeks with his thumb. "It's not goodbye it's see you later" he smiled. I smiled. He kissed me. We kissed each other so passionately because we both knew this was going to be the last one for a long time.

Word count: 824

HEYO!! you've reached the end of the book!!! I hope you liked it. I'm think about doing a sequel but I might not. So tell me if I should. I'm starting a new book called 'invisible'. It's a Miley fan fic!! So when I post it go read it !! :)

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