6. big brothers & loud music

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betsY POV

I cried for what felt like days. It just wouldn't stop. Then I heard "Betsy grace hemmings!" from downstairs. I didn't move as my door swung open. "Where were you all day!" Luke yelled as he walked up to my bed.

I sat up & wiped my eyes. His face turned from angry to soft. "What's wrong?" He asked sitting next to me. "Nothing I'm fine" I said as I couldn't help but let the tears keep falling.

"Why are you crying?" He asked. "Can you just get out of my room" I said turned away from him. "Betsy" he said. "Just please leave" I mumbled. "Ok I'm sorry" he said.

"Um I'll be downstairs, if you want we can eat ice cream and watch movies like old times" he said softly. I smiled to myself. He left. I sniffed. After a few minutes I found myself walking downstairs with a blanket wrapped around me.

Luke was sitting on the couch. "I knew you'd come around" he said turning around. I didn't say anything and sat next to him. We started to watch a movie and it honestly made me feel better.

Luke was a protective older brother but also my best friend at sometimes. He always knew how to make me feel better. That's when the door swung open. "heyo!" Micheal yelled.

"what's up luke" I heard calum say. My face went hot as tears started to form in my eyes again. I stood up & turned around and saw Ashton & Calum and bolted past them up the stairs.

narrative POV

Betsy bolted up the stairs pasted all the guys. "betsy wait!" Luke yelled after her but she never turned around. Luke sighed and sat on the couch. "What's her deal?" Michael asked sitting on the couch.

Calum and Ashton both looked at each other with worry in their eyes. "I don't know she won't talk to me" he sighed. "Well anyways ready to practice?" Calum popped up. Everyone nodded their heads as they headed to the garage.

betsy POV

I was sitting in my room finally calming down from the events that happened earlier that day when I heard them start to practice in the garage that happened to be right under my room. I rolled my eyes & out in headphones. I called courtney.

"Hello?" She answered. "Hey can you come pick me up?" I asked. "Yeah, whats that noise?" She asked. "Its the band" I sighed. "On my way" she said hanging up. I finally got so over it so I stormed downstairs and went into the garage.

"Can you shut the fuck up!" I screamed causing them to stop. They all just looked at me. "Some people are trying to sit up in there room & relax and your not helping!" I screamed.

"Someone's on their period" Michael mumbled. "You know what?" I said walking towards Michael. "Oh no you don't" luke said holding me back. I stopped. "We're sorry we just-" Ashton started.

"Just stop, just forget it" I said walking away. "Betsy we can-" Calum started. "No it's fine I'm leaving now anyways" I said. "Where are you-" luke started. "None of your concern" I said not turning around and walking straight out of the garage to courtney's car.

As we drove back to her house and I told her everything that happened. "I'm gonna kill him we're turning around" she said trying to turn the car around. "No stop I just- I just don't wan be there right now with them I just can't" I said looking out the window.

"Ok I'm sorry" she said going back straight. "I can't believe they would- UGH!" She yelled. "I mean Calum MAYBE but Ashton?" She asked. I shrugged. "I should have know it was all just an act" I mumbled.

"Calum has slept with half the school" she said. I slapped her knee. "Not helping!" I yelled. "Why though? Why would ashton?" She asked herself. "Oh my gosh!" She squealed. "What?" I asked. "He likes you" she whispered. "No" I said firmly.

"He doesn't" I said. "I think he does-" she said. "Can you just drop it I don't wanna talk about it anymore!" I screamed. "Ok I'm sorry" she said quietly. We didn't say anything else until we got to her house.


we busted out laughing. "Ok ok let me get this straight" I said trying not to laugh as we rolled on her bed. "You almost got ran over why?" I asked trying not to laugh.

"Because I was looking at my toes and I was thinking of how it would be without them so I was walking on my heals and fell on the street" she said laughing.

We both busted out laughing again. "Hey babe"  someone said walking through the door. "babe?" I questioned as I saw Michael looking up from his phone not knowing I was here. "Uh I mean courtney" he said.

I looked over at courtney and she was redder than Michael's hair. "So you two are dating?" I questioned. "No" courtney said quickly. "Yes" Michael said at the same time. They looked at each other.

"Yes" courtney corrected herself. "No" Michael said at the same time. "Ok we're dating, but please don't tell anyone" courtney said. I nodded as Michael went to go sit next to courtney. He put his arm around her and they kissed on the lips.

"Ok that's my cue to leave" I said getting up grossed out. They both laughed. "Wait let me talk you home" she said getting up. "No it's ok I can just walk it's pretty at night plus it's not that far" I said. "Are you sure?" She said laying back down next to Michael. I nodded.

"Just throw me those headphones and I'll be good" I said smiling. She rolled her eyes and threw me the headphone. "Bring them back!" She yelled as I left. "Unlikey!" I yelled back.

word count: 993

hey guys I would write more in this chapter but I'm too tired so this is what you get. 💓💓

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