16. Truth or dare & punches

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Betsy POV

"Party. Tonight. My house." I smiled as I told courtney. She stared at me blankly. Then she started laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked. "You? Throwing a party?" She asked. "Well no, luke is throwing the party" I said. "Now we're talking" She said rubbing her hands together. "He told me not invite losers" I told her. "Then why are we going?" She asked. "Shut up your popular now your dating Michael" I said shoving her.

"hey!" She said tumbling over. "I'm surprised you haven't left me for missy" I laughed. She stopped and looked at me raising an eyebrow. "Missy? Missy Andrews?" She laughed. "God you couldn't pay me to be friends with that devil" she laughed so did I. "My ears are ringing" we heard a squeaky voice say behind us. We both looked at each other before turning around to see missy standing behind us with her two followers daisy & alex. My eyes went wide but courtney kept a solid 'what the fuck do you need' face. "Courtney, we all know your just dating Michael because he's popular and in a band" she huffed at courtney.

"Listen here you little-" she started at her but I held her back. "Stop she's not worth the breath" I whispered. "and you" missy started at me looking me up and down "Don't think your so slick I see you looking at ashton, just give it up you know he would choose someone like me over someone like you in a heartbeat" she said. Anger fired up in me. Within a second I was on top of her.

"Hey heyy!" I heard someone scream. Then luke pulled back missy and Ashton pulled me away from her. I still thrusted at her a few times trying to get out of his grip but it was no use. Then a teacher rounded the corner. "Get to class! All of you!" She yelled. "Betsy what happened?" Ashton asked still holding on my my arm. I ripped my arm out of his grip and just walked home.


"Don't yell at me I know, I shouldn't have punched her, she's an angel I'm the devil, blah blah save it" I said as luke walked in my room. "Just tell me why you punched her" he said crossing his arms. Oh she said that I always stare at ashton and that I would never date him and that she would buy the funny thing is I'm dating him. I couldn't tell him. "She said that I.." I stopped. "Just please don't make me say it" I said quietly. He sighed and walked over to me. "If I were a girl I would've punched her by now" he laughed. I smiled. "Hey come help me pick out party stuff from the store" he said. I smiled "ok" I laughed.


"Let's party!" Courtney yelled opening the door walking in with Michael. "Awe" She said seeing that the party hasn't started yet. "Woah courtney you look good" luke said coming around the corner. "Dude" Michael said coming to stand in front of her. "Sorry" luke laughed. "But he's not wrong" Michael said kissing her. "Ok ok that's gross" I said covering my eyes. "Oh shut up you do the same thing with-" she started but I ran over and covered her mouth.

"With who!" Luke said running up to courtney. I grabbed her arm "let's go before you say anything else" I said dragging her upstairs. "What should I wear?" I asked her. "Uh this-Wait no your trying to impress Ashton right?" She asked. "Well not necessarily" I said sitting on my bed. "Well now you are" She said going through my closet. "Perfect" She said pulling out a dress. "No I look like whore in that dress" I said crossing my arms. "Then it's perfect!" She said throwing it at me.


Most of the party was outside and I was having a good time hanging out with Calum, luke, Ashton, Michael, and luke. We were all sitting by the fire when Calum said "let's play spin the bottle" "no" we all said at the same time. "Why?" He asked. "Because I don't want anyone kissing my girlfriend" Michael said making courtney smile and lean her head on his shoulder. "and I don't want to end up kissing my brother" I laughed. "Ok. Truth or dare then?" He asked.

We all looked at each other and nodded. "Cool um courtney truth or dare?" Luke asked her. "Mm dare" she said smiling. "I dare you to jump in the pool with all of your clothes on" he smiled. She smiled. "Challenge excepted" she said getting up from next to Michael and went over to the pool. "Ready?" She yelled over to us. "Ready!" We all yelled laughing. Then she jumped in. Her head popped up from water. And immediately got out. Michael ran over to her with a towel and wrapped it around her as they walked back over to us.

We all awed. "Shut up" Michael said turning red. "I'll go next" Calum said. He turned to Ashton. oh god. "Ashton who'd you rather sleep with courtney or betsy?" He smiled. "Woah woah" luke said standing up. "Calm down its a dare" Calum said back. he sat back down. I looked up at ashton but he didn't look at him. "Um" he mumbled. "Courtney I guess" he said looking down. "Dude What the fuck" Michael said getting up.

"Mike stop" courtney said pulling him back down. I felt like literally dying. Wow what a great boyfriend. I could already feel tears brimming at my eyes. "I'll go next" courtney says looking at me. I looked up at her. She had that look in her eyes. Like 'I have a plan' look. "Betsy truth or dare" she asked me. I looked a ashton he was looking at the ground. I looked back at courtney she mouthed 'pick dare'. "Dare" I said with this new burst of confidence. Ashton looked up at me.

"I dare you to make out with Calum" she smiled. "What?" Calum, ashton, luke, and Michael said at the same time. I smiled. I looked at Calum to see if he was ok with it. "I mean ok" he said smiling standing up. "Wait no I am not ok with this" luke said standing up. "Shut up" I said walking over to Calum and I grabbed his face and started to kiss him. Our lips moved in sync. Michael cleared his throat. I pulled away and smiled. "I-I uh I" Calum stumbled over his words. I looked over to Ashton who's face was red.

"I'm going to get a drink" ashton mumbled walking away.

word count: 1122

oof ok I see you

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