26. Mistakes & breakups

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Luke POV

I was playing fifa and got hungry. On my way to the fridge the door swung open and betsy raced pasted me almost knocking me over. "Betsy? I thought you were going out with Ashton?" I asked. She didn't say anything. I heard her sniff.

"Are you crying?" I asked. "What happened?" I asked. "Did something happen to Ashton-"

"He brought me on the date to break up with me okay?!" She yelled. My mouth fell open. "He did what?" I asked both in anger and confusion. Ashton told me how much he loved my sister.

It was kind of annoying how much he mentioned how much he was in love with her. He wouldn't just end it.

"Betsy that doesn't sound like something he would-"

"Well he did didn't he!" She yelled and started crying again. I pulled her in my arms and hugged her. She cried on my shoulder. It broke my heart to see her like this.

Then there was a ring at the doorbell. I let go of her to answer the door. It was none other than the heartbreaker

"Can I talk to-"

I grabbed him by his shirt and pinned him against the door. "Who the fuck do you think you are?" I yelled in his face. Betsy just stood there. He looked at Betsy. "I can explain it isn't what it looks like" he said. "P-put him down l-luke" Betsy mumbled.

I dropped him and he walked over to Betsy.

betsy POV

He walked up to me. "Betsy I wasn't going to break up with you" he said. "What?" I asked surprised. "What?" Luke said behind Ashton.
"I was going to tell you I was going to leave next week for honor college classes that they only have this summer" he said.

"You're What?" I asked my face draining. "I told you, you wouldn't like the news" he said. "Then why did you say you told everyone but Luke?" I asked. "I was waiting because I didn't want Luke to be upset at me for leaving early since he's my roommate" He said.

I felt so stupid. "I-i'm sorry ash i didn't-" he hugged me. "It's okay, i probably should've just spit it out instead of scaring you" He said rubbing my back. He let go of me. "Sorry for throwing you against a door" Luke said brushing dirt off ashton's shoulder. He rolled his eyes.

I looked down and started playing my dress. "So you're leaving next week?" I choked out. "I'll give you two some alone time" Luke said walking past us and up the stairs. Ashton grabbed my hand. "i'm not gonna go" He said. I immediately looked at him. "What no of course you are" I said.

"I don't wanna just leave you" He said. "I don't want you to not take opportunities because of me" i said. "You're going" I said looking at him. "Even If i have to be alone, i want you to be happy" I said standing on my toes to kiss him. "This is why i love you Betsy" He smiled.


"Next week hun?" Courtney said over the phone. "next week" I sighed. "That sucks" She laughed. "You're not making this any better!" I yelled. "I'm sorry! what are you gonna do?" She asked. "I don't know? Facetime him? Call him? Text?" I questioned. "Betsy lets be real here. When ashton's off at college he won't want to be texting his high school girlfriend. He'll be out partying, getting drunk" She said.

I frowned. "so there'll be no time for me?" I asked. "No, just visits every month or so"

"Month or so?!" I yelled. "That long?" i asked. "He can't come home every weekend bets, it's 2 hours away" She said. "Yeah yeah i knew that" I said. "How long is college?" I asked. She laughed.

"Hey betsy, Michael's staring at me waiting for me to get off the phone i gotta go" She laughed. "Okay" I said quietly. "Have fun" I said. "K, bye love you" she said before hanging up. I bit my nails nervously as i thought about the whole thing.


come over i need to talk to you


i'll be right over. Am I in trouble? haha


no, i just need to talk to you


no joke back? What's wrong?


can you just come over?


yeah yeah i'm coming.

*a few minutes later*

I was pacing around my room when ashton came in. "What's wrong?" He asked flopping on my bed. "You're gonna still talk to me right?" I said stoping and looking at him. "What?" He asked sitting up. "At college. Will you still text and call me and stuff" I asked biting my nails. "Baby of course i will, why wouldn't I?" He said standing up to face me. "Courtney said that-"

"I don't give a fuck what Courtney said, Betsy i will still talk to you" He said grabbing my arms. I looked down. "I can't believe you thought i wouldn't" He said. "Well Ashton let's be real here, You're gonna wanna go to college parties and do other things, you won't have time for me" I sighed.

"Then i'll make time" He said. "You don't you know that Ashton!" I yelled. "I Do!" He yelled back. "Do you not have faith in me? In us?" He asked. "College is a different atmosphere ashton" I said. "Fine! If you don't trust me why don't you just break up with me?!" He yelled. Tears welded up in my eyes.

"Maybe i will!" I yelled. "Then do it!" He yelled. "Fine!" I yelled tears now coming out of my eyes. "We're over" I said. His face dropped, but then immediately went back up in anger "Then I guess we are" He said his eyes starting to fill up with tears. He turned on his heels and walked out of my room slamming my bedroom door making me flinch.

I broke down on the floor and starting crying. "Betsy What- oh my gosh!" Luke said coming in my room. He ran over to me and grabbed me into a hug as I sobbed into his shoulder on the floor.

"W-we broke up" I cried.

word count: 1050

betsy don't kill me.

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