11. dates & new boyfriends

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Betsy POV

"You know that you can't sneak in here every night right?" I asked looking up at Ashton while we were cuddling in my bed. "I know but I don't like the thought of you sleeping alone" he said. "That's sweet but if luke-" I started. "Enough about luke that's all we talk about our whole relationship is around him" he said in a harsh tone. "I'm sorry" I mumbled quietly. He didn't say anything.

"What relationship?" I said after a while. He sighed. "Just wait" he said kissing the top of my head. I sighed. "Your more confusing than a girl on their period" I laughed. "That reminds me I've got a sister on their period and I promised her chocolate" he said getting up. "Your leaving?" I frowned. "Didn't you just yell at me for being here?" He laughed. "No I-it's fine whatever go" I said turning around.

He sighed and grabbed my arm to pull me up and kissed me. "Don't forget about our date tomorrow ok?" He said. "I won't" I smiled. He kissed me again "goodbye kiss" he smiled and left.


I woke up was in such a good mood I was going on a date with Ashton. I got ready for the day. I threw on some plaid pants a white crop top and come combat boots. I walked down stairs and luke was sitting on the couch with Calum. "hey" I sang as I went to The kitchen. They both looked at each other then at me. "Why are you so happy?" Calum asked. "Because your girl got herself a date" I smiled.

"What?" Luke snapped. "What?" I said back. "You are not allowed to go on date" he said. "Luke I'm I'm 17 a junior in high school" I snapped back. "Yeah junior for a reason!" He said. I rolled my eyes. "I just don't want you to get hurt like Harvey hurt you" he said. "This guy is different" I smiled to myself. "Ooo she's blushing!" Calum said. "Who's the guy?" Luke asked.

"Uh no one" I said quickly. "No tell me who it is" he said. "sorry but no, I don't want you ruining it for me" I said. "Please I won't just tell me" He said . oh in that case it's Ashton. Ashton Irwin. You know your best friend? The one who you told I was off limits? Yeah that one. "no sorry" I said running back upstairs.


meet at the school

i smiled but then I realized something how the hell was I gonna get there? I didn't have my drivers licenses.

hey could you drop me off somewhere to meet Ashton?

court 💗💓💗💞
I'm on a date with Michael I'm so sorry!!


I went downstairs and saw them sitting on the couch. "Hey cal?" I said. "Yeah?" He replied. "Can you drop me off somewhere?" I asked. "Yeah sure" he said getting up. "Why can't I just take her" luke said getting up. "Oh it's for your date" Calum said. "Why do you not want me to meet him so bad?" He asked in a kinda hurt tone. Not gonna lie I felt really bad. I don't like lying to my brother but I don't want to hurt Ashton.

"Because I don't know if this is a serious thing yet" I mumbled. He sighed and sat back down on the couch. "Just be home by 9 got it?" He said warningly towards me. "Got It" I said. "Not a minute later" he said as me & Calum walked out of the house. "Ouch kinda harsh don't you think?" Calum asked turning to me. "I don't like lying to him I really don't" I ask looking at my feet as we walked to his car. "What are you lying to him about?" He asked as we got into his car. I sighed as I sat down.

"It's ash isn't it?" He asked as we pulled away. I put my head in my hands "yes" I mumbled through my hands. "Hey it's ok your secret is safe with me" he said motioning zipping his mouth. I smiled. We pulled up to the school and Ashton was waiting outside of him car. "Be safe" Calum said as I grabbed my bag. "Use protection" he laughed. I hit him with my bag. I walked up to him. "Ready?" He asked looking up from his phone.

I nodded as we got into his car. Half way through the drive he put one of his hands on my thighs. I looked up and smiled at him. We pulled up to a skating rink. "Skating?" I asked looking nervous. "Yep" he smiled at me. "I used to come here all the time with my mum" he smiled. "Ashton I can't skate" I laughed. "Don't worry I'll teach you" he winked. I rolled my eyes at his cheesiness. We walked in and got our skates ashton got on the track while I struggled to get on. I finally got on the track but started wobbling but Ashton caught me. "Thanks" I mumbled.

I grabbed Ashton's arm as we started to skate slowly. "You just push out" he explained. "Like this?" I asked trying push out. "Yeah like that" he said. "Look I'm skating!" I said. "Good job!" He laughed. A few seconds later I fell flat on my butt. Ashton immediately came back to see if I was ok. "Are you ok?" He laughed helping me up. "Great." I looked at him. "Here" he said grabbing my hand and started skating slowly. "I'm getting it!" I said. He just laughed.

We eventually got tired and I went to go get a drink from the concession stand. "Oh wait I forgot my phone in the locker I'll be back" he said turning around. I walked up the guy behind the counter. He looked me up and down already making me very uncomfortable. "What can I do for the pretty girl?" He asked putting an elbow on the counter. "Um a Dr Pepper please" I asked looking at him.

"Got it babe" he said turning around and handing me it. "$2.35" he smiled looking at me. "Could I maybe get your number we could like-" he started but Ashton came back and swung his arm around me. "Everything ok over here babe?" He asked obviously hearing what the guy had said. The guy looked ashton up and down with a face of disgust. "yep everything is great" I smiled grabbing my drink and walking away with him.

"Thanks" I said as we walked away. "No problem baby" he said kissing my cheek. We skated for maybe another hour and I had many bruises on my legs, butt, & knees. "I can barley walked" I laughed as we walked back to his car. "I'm sorry" he laughed. "Don't get my wrong I had a great time" I said as we got into his car. "I had a great time spending time with you" he said. "I had a good time too" I smiled.

He started to lean in and I leaned in to. We kissed. I smiled through the kiss making him smile. It was a more meaningful kiss than any other one we've had. I pulled back after a while. "I have one more thing to do" he said reaching in his back seat. He pulled out a longish box. He handed it to me. "What is this" I asked looking at it smiling.

"Open it" he smiled. I opened it and it was a bracelet and on the box it said 'will you be my girlfriend?'. "Yes!" I squealed turning and hugging him. "Oh my gosh ash it's beautiful" I said taking it out. "Here let me help" he said grabbing it and putting it on my wrist. "Ahh I love it!" I said. "I'm glad you like it" he smiled. I turned my head to his radio and the time read 9:52. "Shit" I said.

"What?" Ashton asked. "I told luke I would be home by 9" I said stressing out. I looked at my phone and saw that I had 3 missed calls and 10 missed texts from luke. "Hey hey we're good I'll just take you home" he said placing his hand on my hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. He dropped me off a few houses down from mine so luke wouldn't see Ashton's car. I ran to my house and opened the door to see a very angry older brother.

word count: 1427

long chapter woah, what did ya think??💞💞

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