8. Telling lies & 'i like you's'

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betsy POV

"wake up loser" luke said poking my face. I swatted his hand away. "stop" I whined. I got up and started getting ready. I put on black skinny jeans, checkered vans, and a UCLA sweatshirt. I looked in the mirror. "Eh good enough" I mumbled grabbing my bag & walking downstairs to see them waiting for me.

"Took you long enough" luke mumbled as we all left. Ashton smiled at me on the way out. I smiled back and couldn't stop smiling while we were in the car. "We're picking up Calum" Ashton said. "What about Michael?" Luke asked him.

"Uh I don't I haven't heard from him since he left" he said. I chuckled to myself knowing that he probably spent the night with courtney. They both turned around to look at me, they shrugged it off and went to talk about random boy things when we rolled up to calums house and he got in the back seat with me and flashed me a smile.

I smiled back. "Hey are we good?" He mumbled to me while Ashton & luke were talking. I nodded and smiled. "I honestly don't even care anymore" I said. "Can I make it up to you?" He asked. "Like how?" I asked. He shrugged. "Let me take you to lunch today" he said. "We have school today" I said. "I skip for lunch all the time" he said smiling. I thought about it for a second. "ok" I said. "But this is not a date your just saying sorry got it?" I said quickly. He put his hands up. "got it" he said smiling. "Got what?" Luke asked looking at us through the mirror. "uh the homework" Calum said quickly. Luke shrugged it off. We got out and started walking in and realized courtney wasn't there waiting for me. I looked around for her.

She usually tells me if she was gonna skip or not. I pulled out my phone to text her but stopped when I saw her laughing at something Michael said while leaned up against the wall. I walked over to her. "Hey what happened where were you? We always meet outside then walk in together. I had to walk in alone" I said pouting. "Oh my gosh! I totally forgot" she said slapping her forehead.

"How could you forget we have done it everyday since freshman year" I mumbled. "I'm sorry I was distracted. You see Michael said that-" she stopped and they both started laughing. I glanced between them. "Oh you had to be there" she said still laughing. "I'm sure it was hilarious" I mumbled angrily walking past them. Forgot? Oh please. I was walking down the hallway when someone ran into making me making all the books I was holding go everywhere & causing me to fall the ground.

"Watch where your going hemmings" drew mumbled. I fucking hated him. He has been mean to me since freshmen year. Funny thing we dated in 8th grade & I broke up with him I guess he's still mad about it. But it has been three years. I started to collect my books when I heard Ashton yell "hey Johnson!" making drew turn around. "Not cool" he said shaking his head and bending down helping me collect my books. "Thanks" I said as he handed me the last book.

"No problem" he said smiling. "Where's court?" He said looking around because we were usually attached by the hip. "With Michael" I mumbled. He looked confused. "Why isn't she with you?" He asked. "Because her head is too far up Michael's ass" I said. He laughed. "Well do you want me to walk you to class?" He asked.

I nodded and smiled. We walked into class and sat down in the back row next to each other. "Can I ask you a question ?" He asked. "You just did" I said sassily. "Can I ask you another one?" He asked again. "That's now 2 questions" I laughed. "Just listen to me hemmings" he laughed. "Do you like me?" He asked. I smiled. I looked around the room no one was there yet. I quickly pecked his lips.

"yes Irwin I like you" I smiled. "Really?" He said getting up. I nodded. He shot up and did I victory lap around the room while I laughed. "Oh god he's doing it again" Calum said walking into the room with luke. "Why are you doing a victory lap?" Luke asked laughing. He cleared his throat and stopped laughing.

"Uh I got an A" he said quickly sitting down. Michael and courtney eventually walked in and courtney sat down next to me and Michael sat next to Calum. "Holy shit who gave you that?" Calum said looking at Michael's neck. Courtney's lip curled into a smile and looked down at her paper but no one noticed but me.

Micheal cleared his throat. "Um...Becky from 6th period, she came over last night" he said. Courtney's face dropped and her face went white as she looked up at Michael, but he didn't look at her. Why would he lie? "Atta boy" luke said high fiving him. "You've been trying to get with her for a while" Calum added. making courtney's eyes water as she looked back down. Micheal laughed at his comment.

"Yeah it was nothing" he shrugged it off. "What do you mean it was nothing? You've been talking about her non stop for the past week" luke said hitting his shoulder. Courtney finally let a tear drop but looked like she would burst into tears any second. "What no I haven't" he said glancing at courtney.

"Yeah remember you said-" calum started. "Dude shut up" Michael said glancing at courtney. "No remember you said how hot she w-" luke said. "Seriously stop talking right this second" he said firmly glancing a courtney again. She suddenly grabbed her bag and bolted out the door. Michael sighed and slumped in his chair. "Trouble in paradise?" Ashton mumbled to me. "Apparently" I said getting up shaking my head at Michael as I ran out the door after her.

Word count: 1031

oof Michael wat you doin. Telling lies?

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