Not So Innocent

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Scene 1

6:57pm, the park

Yuta was walking towards the old playground, hand in hand with his son, Rin, who was dying to play on the slide. The toddler released his father's hand and ran to the glowing red slide. Yuta watched in pure adoration as his son climbed up the playground equipment to get to the top of the burning plastic. The sun was high in the sky, melting ice cream and causing many people to break out into an unhealthy sweat, including Yuta.

"Daddy!" Rin called out, waving his little arms in the air. Yuta smiled and gave a thumbs up to show the little boy he was watching.

Rin slid down the swirling slide, his brown hair bouncing with each hump.

"I did it!" He yelled again as he ran to Yuta, arms open wide. Yuta scooped him up like a feather, spinning him around in his arms. It was an endearing sight to all the mothers and elderly at the park to see a dad care for his son so lovingly.

"Can I go down with you this time?" Yuta asked the little boy in his arms, whose eyes lit up happily.

"Yes!" He squealed, wiggling out of his father's arms and dragging him to the playset. Yuta was no child, and his 5'9 frame barely fit through the small entrance to the slide, but he managed.

He sat at the top, his legs covering half of the slide naturally, and placed Rin in his lap. Yuta pushed off and slid down the short slide, that seemed very long to his little boy. Rin was letting out mini shrieks as they slid, obviously happy. To others, the loud child may have been annoying, but to Yuta, the sound was music to his ears. Rin was his everything, the only thing he had left of his ex-wife.

Yuta was brought out of his thoughts by a loud screech, that surprisingly wasn't his son.

"Get this demon away from me!" The voice yelled, drawing the attention of most of the small park. The scream came from a boy no older than 20, who had a large dog laying on top of him. The dog was furiously licking at his face, knocking off his glasses and messing up his hair.

Another male came running across the park, continuously mumbling sorry's as he pulled the dog off of the boy. The boy stood and brushed his fingers through his hair, ridding it off any grass or dirt.

Rin was watching in awe. Yuta had learned he had a thing for soft hair and he could already tell this mysterious boy was Rin's next victim. His thoughts were confirmed when Rin ran from his lap and straight towards the boy. Yuta chased after him, hoping to stop the disaster before it happened.

The boy kneeled in front of Rin.

"Hey cutie, I'm Sicheng!" He held out a dainty hand for his son to shake, matching Rin's energy perfectly. The toddler shook his hand, giggling all the while.

Yuta couldn't help but think that Sicheng had called the wrong person a cutie. The boy was extremely pretty up close.

"Be careful, he has a thing for-" Yuta began to warn Sicheng but was cut off by Rin's loud yell.

"Fluffy!" He reached out one chubby hand to grab Sicheng's soft locks. He latched on and pulled, startling the pretty boy.

"-hair." Yuta sighed. He loved his son, of course he did, but sometimes the little boy could be extremely embarrassing. Primarily in front of attractive strangers, he's learned.

"I'm sorry, he does that."

Sicheng glanced up at him for the first time since their encounter and was pleasantly surprised. He didn't expect someone so young to have a son, but he wasn't complaining. Especially when that person was extremely hot and seemingly single, due to the absence of a ring on his finger.

"It's okay, it's cute." Sicheng brought his own hand to Rin's hair and patted it gently like he was a small kitten.

"I like your hair," Rin said, finally releasing his death grip on Sicheng.

"Thank you, love. I like your hair, too."

Rin blushed, whether it was from the compliment or the nickname, Yuta didn't know.

"Daddy," his son whispered, tapping him on his thigh, "can we take him home?"

Yuta and Sicheng both choked, both thinking not-so-innocent thoughts. Yuta regained his confidence pretty quickly, however, and gave Sicheng a small smirk.

"That depends, would you want to come home with us?"

Sicheng turned the same shade as Rin had, stuttering and waving his arms around frantically.

"As Rin's new babysitter!" Yuta added, pretending to be completely pure.

Sicheng scoffed, his face still a cherry red. Rin misinterpreted Sicheng's reaction and thought the boy didn't like him anymore, which caused him to let out a soft whimper, followed by a steady stream of tears.

"Oh, no! What's wrong?" Sicheng cooed, trying to get Rin to look at him, but the toddler just buried his face in his father's legs.

"Sichengie doesn't like me anymore," he sniffled.

"No, no, that's not it," Sicheng reassured him, looking at Yuta for help. The man just ignored his gaze, finding the tree next to them very interesting. "I'd love to be your babysitter!" Sicheng finally said, finding no other way out of the situation.

"Yay!" Rin yelled and hugged Sicheng, making him fall over yet again. The boy stood after a few seconds, fixing his hair for the second time that day.

"So, I know the little cuties name, but I'm pretty sure you don't want me calling you Daddy all the time."

"Nope, only at night," Yuta winked, making Sicheng blush again. The red color looked nice on him, and Yuta liked knowing he caused it.

"I'm Yuta."

"Thank you for finally giving me a normal answer."

Yuta smiled and grabbed his phone from his skinny jeans pocket. The digital clock stared back at him, reading 7:32 pm. Yuta had work tomorrow, and Rin had daycare early in the morning.

"Here, give me your number," Yuta handed Sicheng his fragile iPhone and watched the boy type his number into the phone.

"I'll text you the details when he falls asleep, okay?"

Sicheng nodded and crouched down to say bye to Rin.

"I'll see you later, cutie." Rin smiled happily and gave Sicheng another precious hug.

As the father and son walked home, Yuta checked his contact list, letting out a dopey chuckle at Sicheng's contact name.

Daddy's 💕

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