Trick or Treat

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Special Scene

7:30pm, Nakamoto Mansion

"Daddy, what are you?" Rin asked curiously, poking at Yuta's lime green hair. Yuta smiled, the red lipstick smeared over his face shining scarily under the porch lights.

"The Joker," he replied creepily. Rin's eyes lit up with happiness, not the fear Yuta had expected.

"Does that mean I get to kill you, Daddy?" Rin gestured to the bright yellow bat on his silky shirt. Yuta chuckled.

"I guess it does." The door behind them opened and closed and Sicheng strutted out. Yuta's throat went dry as he eyed Sicheng's skimpy blue and red shorts. 'Daddy's Monster' were the words the white and red crop top covering Sicheng read. A pang of jealousy hit Yuta as he realized he wouldn't be the only one seeing Sicheng like this.

"I get to kill you, too!" Rin clapped happily.

"Not if I do it first," Yuta mumbled, walking towards his dressed up husband, "and what's this?" He asked, hands gripping firmly at Sicheng's exposed waist.

"Harley Quinn, obviously," Sicheng giggled and Yuta felt a gentle tap on his leg. He glanced down and saw a wooden bat swinging from Sicheng's hand, bouncing against his leg.

"It's hot," he whispered, "but make sure everyone sees this." Yuta lifted Sicheng's hand, the wedding ring shining under the porch lights.

"Daddy, let's go! I want to get all the Reese's before all the big kids leave me with the stupid black licorice," Rin huffed, stomping down the driveway as he explained the difference between red and black licorice. Yuta still had Sicheng's hand in his grip with no intention of letting go anytime soon. Rin ran from house to house, his cape flowing behind him. The poor boy tripped over it at least three times, spilling his candy each time without fail. Due to the abnormal amount of money people in their neighborhood had, Rin had collected almost 20 full-size candy bars.

"Hey, kid! Get back here!" A voice yelled before a young boy sprinted in front of them, being chased by someone a lot older than him. Yuta was about to chase after the two when Sicheng tugged on his hand.

"Watch," he whispered, pointing at Rin who was watching the boys wrestle in disgust. The younger boy tripped and the older grabbed his plastic pumpkin he had dropped. Yuta heard Rin gasp before the little boy took off running towards the fallen kid.

"Are you okay?" Rin asked, helping the boy to his feet. He nodded shakily, tears welling in his little eyes. Yuta once again made a move to help, hut Sicheng pulled him back.

"Wait, just watch." He explained, motioning towards the two.

"H-he stole my candy," the little boy choked out. Rin glanced between the boy and his parents, almost as if he was asking for permission. Sicheng smiled and nodded. Rin looked at the full-size candy bars in his bag one more time before handing it over to the kid. Yuta smiled at the sight.

"Look Yuta, that's your son," Sicheng said happily, "You did a great job."

"Our, that's our son," Yuta corrected, placing a chaste kiss on Sicheng's check.

"Daddy!" Rin yelled, running back to the two. "Can we go home and eat all the candy we left for the people?" Yuta laughed.

"Yes, please."

And that's exactly what they did. By the time the clock struck nine, the kitchen table had been covered in piles of candy wrappers, ranging from KitKat to Swedish Fish. All the black licorice had been thrown to the floor, uneaten, courtesy of Rin.

"So, who was that boy?" Yuta asked as he handed Coon to his son. Sicheng had gone to take a shower, the noise echoing around the house. Yuta's face still looked like a mess and he was surprised he wasn't scaring Rin.

"Oh, that was my crush!" Rin answered, playing with Coon's tail. Yuta choked a little, trying to cover it up with a nonchalant cough.

"C-crush?" He stuttered out. Rin nodded.

"I told you I liked someone, Daddy. Are you like Dory, do you forget, too?"

Yuta shook his head. "Tell me about him."

"He's really sweet, and I'm gonna beat up that boy who hurt him. Imma hurt him really bad."

"That's my boy." Yuta chuckled and ruffled his son's hair. "But now it's time to sleep. Dream about how much you wanna hurt that boy."

Yuta knew Sicheng would never approve of Rin dreaming of violence, but he didn't have to know. Rin nodded and laid down, pulling his blue covers over his head.

"Goodnight, Rin," Yuta whispered from the doorway.

"Goodnight, Daddy. Tell Sicheng I love him," Rin answered sleepily. Yuta nodded, although the boy couldn't see it, and shut the door quietly behind him. The shower had stopped running, so Yuta assumed Sicheng had fallen asleep. He walked into their room and was surprised when Sicheng was wide awake, only wearing one of Yuta's oversized t-shirts.

"Sicheng?" He called out, sitting himself down next to the quiet boy. Yuta wasn't quite sure what happened but the next thing he knew, Sicheng was in his lap, his bare lower body pressed against him.

"My turn," he purred, placing his lips against Yuta's. What started as gentle turned fierce and desperate in an instant.

"I wasn't the only one who looked hot," Sicheng moaned out as Yuta kissed down his neck, sucking and biting at the clear skin. Yuta could feel Sicheng's arousal through the thin fabric of his t-shirt and pinned the boy down onto the bed. He looked at the sight beneath him and licked his lips. Sicheng's lips were swollen and covered in the red from his lipstick, his neck was sporting three generously large hickeys and the shirt had lifted, showing Yuta what he wanted to see. He resumed their heated make-out session and almost moaned out loud when Sicheng's hand found it's way to his jeans, palming him through the suffocating fabric.

"Trick or treat?" Yuta asked, pulling away from Sicheng, but staying close enough to feel his labored breathing.

"Treat," Sicheng smirked, unzipping Yuta's jeans and getting the treat he had waited for all night.


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