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Scene 14

6:47pm, Seoul Conservatory

Sicheng wasn't supposed to be this nervous, no way. He was supposed to be happy and excited, wasn't he? Then why did he have this awful feeling that he was going to throw up all over the person doing his makeup? Why did he feel like strangling himself with his own black bow tie?

The makeup artist was none other than Rose, Yuta's closest cousin. Sicheng had become much closer with the man's family after the engagement was announced and thankfully they all liked him a lot. Yuta had invited his entire family to the wedding, and Sicheng could only pray Irene wasn't invited. Sicheng didn't have any family to invite, no friends, no distant relatives, so Yuta's families acceptance meant a lot to him. It felt as though they didn't just come for Yuta, they came to see him, too.

"I swear to God, Dong Sicheng if you do not stop moving," Rose scolded as she once again stabbed a shaking Sicheng in the eye with her eyeliner.

"I'm sorry. Why am I so nervous? He loves me right, nothing can go wrong. Unless its all an act, oh my God, it's all fake. Rose, what if-" Sicheng rambled on.

Rose chuckled, "At least you're just talking nervously. Yuta's going to literally have footprints in the floor if he doesn't stop pacing. Not even Chris can calm him down."

Chris was Yuta's friend from college that had stuck with him through everything that happened with Sarah. To say the least, Chris was not happy with his friend for not telling him about Sicheng, but he grew an instant liking for the boy.

"Rose!" Sicheng whined, burying his face in her shoulder like a child.

"Stop it, you'll smear the eyeliner!" She whined back, pushing the manchild off of her.

"Five minutes, Sicheng!" A voice squealed from the doorway. Taylor stood there, dressed up in a beautiful dark red dress and ready to walk down the aisle with her best friend, Rin. Sicheng still had no idea how the two became friends with their age gap, but he was happy Rin was becoming such a sociable and sweet boy.

"Fuck, Rose, I can't do this. I'm dead, dying." Sicheng dramatically clutched at his heart, pretending to drop dead right in the dressing room. Rose rolled her eyes.

"Stop that, dumbass, you'll be fine."

Sicheng stood up wearily, still feeling sick. The door Taylor had just come through was still cracked open and he could see the many heads of Yuta's family.

"Can I disown myself?" He asked. Rose shook her head and handed him a bouquet of beautiful red roses like the one Rin had put in his hair that day. The classic Wedding March rang throughout the spacious venue, amplifying Sicheng's anxiety. The bridesmaids lined up in front of the mahogany doors, dolled up with makeup and frilly red dresses. The doors opened and the women walked through, intercepting with the bridesmen and walking together. Sicheng's OCD had to have the tallest people and shortest people together, so the group looked extremely organized as they walked. Taylor had ended up arm in arm with Chris and the two were giggling quietly, somehow easing Sicheng's tension.

Rose took her place in front of Sicheng, her dark brown hair layered delicately over her skintight red dress. She and Taylor had been chosen as Sicheng's maid of honors since he couldn't make up his mind. She gave him a little wink before dragging the flower girl, Melany, out of the door behind her. Sicheng could hear the aw's of the crowd as the little girl skipped down the aisle, scattering the rose petals as she went.

"You got this, Sicheng," he mumbled to himself as the doors opened for him. The crowd stood, staring straight at him. Normally, that would make a person more anxious, but the supporting and tender stares he got from the audience were a rare occurrence for him, so he basked in the positive attention.

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