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Scene 9

4:47pm, Yuta's Office

Yuta was bent over his desk, buried six feet under in papers he was meant to sign. But that's what came with being the CEO of a major manufacturing company. Yuta didn't ask for that life, no sir. It was handed to him, and although he was grateful for growing up with the best schools and best neighborhood, he was tired. Tired of always having to be the best. One thing Sicheng and Yuta had in common was their love for their dead parents, and Yuta would do anything to get them back. They had passed away in a fatal accident when he was 16, leaving him with the company and no experience whatsoever. Yuta could never be mad at them, they didn't know the car was coming nor were they expecting him to inherit the company so soon. Yuta's father's had had plans to start his business training that year, but unfortunately, he never got, too.

Due to Yuta's young age, Irene had taken full custody of him. They weren't blood-related at all, but Yuta had been dating her daughter and he had no other family that wanted to take him. He always had a suspicion that Irene only agreed to take him because of his wealth, but he was too grateful to the woman to mention it. And Irene definitely used that to her advantage.

Slowly but surely, Yuta had developed the same codependency Sicheng had with his bother with her. She would constantly guilt him into getting her things or caring for her. On days when he would try to go out with friends, she would pretend to be ill and say something like, 'you can go, I'll just stay here all by myself.' Yuta was always secretly mad that her daughter got away with going out every Saturday while he was stuck with the cranky lady, but he felt indebted to them.

As the two teens grew older, Irene pushed more and more for the two to have a child. Yuta didn't like that idea at all, but he felt that if he didn't, he would get kicked out. He didn't understand why she wanted them to have a child so badly, but when he grew older he finally realized her intentions. If the two had a child, the boy would obviously inherit Yuta's money, as well as force the two into a marriage. Either way, Irene would benefit.

Unfortunately for Yuta, however, his ex-wife was overjoyed at the thought of having a kid. Her mom's words over the years had turned her into the perfect housewife. But that's not what Yuta wanted.

Yuta wanted someone independent and adventurous. Someone who would keep up with his busy life and still love him through it all. Someone with a passion that they would pursue no matter what society said. Yuta needed a Sicheng, but instead, he was stuck with a Sarah.

Sarah, the name left a bitter taste on his tongue. He could still remember the day he and Sarah had had sex, and it left an ugly image in his head. It was awkward and uncomfortable, it wasn't filled with love or desire, at least not for him. It must have for her because she asked Irene to get them married. Irene's face had been so happy when she had asked, she had almost looked exactly like her young daughter.

Yuta didn't know what to do in that situation. He was completely trapped, but the child growing in his fiance's stomach had kept him with her.

Yuta had experienced many things as one of the richest teens in the world, but when Rin was born, he experienced the most wonderful feeling in the universe; being a father. Yuta made it his goal to be the father his own never really got to be. When he held Rin for the first time, his heart soared and his eyes watered. That was his son, his son, and nothing could change that. 

Yuta stayed in the hospital for days, but at that point, Sarah had reached her maximum depression level. She couldn't even look at her son, and that made Yuta mad - no furious. All the work she had put in just to get Yuta to this point and she wouldn't even look at the outcome. Yuta lost a large amount of respect for his wife that day, an amount too vast to gain back. But Yuta promised to himself that he would be enough. He would do the job of both and make sure Rin felt all the love in the world. He would protect him with his life, for he loved him in a way he didn't even know was possible.

Rin grew, Sarah grew distant, and Yuta grew stronger. He had learned to stick up for himself against Irene and had bought his own mansion far away from her, bringing his son and wife with him. He wasn't happy in his marriage, but that didn't mean he didn't care about the girl, and he was hoping he could try and make her happy. His plan wasn't successful, and one day after work, he came home to hear Rin screaming bloody murder from upstairs.

Sarah was yelling too, waving a knife around in the air. Yuta was unsure of how to approach the situation until Sarah raised her hand to strike his son. All common sense was lost as Yuta ran forward and picked up his crying son in his arms, hearing the knife enter into the stomach Rin had come from. Yuta had made a choice, a choice any good father would find easy, he chose Rin over Sarah.

Paramedics came and lights flashed. This was no scene for an innocent one year old to witness, yet Rin had. The image had stuck to the baby like glue, following him into his toddler years. Despite his young age, Rin had so many hopes, fears, and dreams. Every night he would wake up, seeing the image of his mom once again. Of course, he didn't understand what had happened, but the blood and the screams and the lights all scared him, they terrified him.

So Rin was scared when he first saw the scars on Sicheng's arms. He recognized them, and he didn't want to see Sicheng the same way he saw his mom. Sicheng kept him safe, Sicheng colored with him and watched his cartoons and made him mac-n-cheese, and Rin never wanted to lose that. At his age, love was thrown around as a cute word, with no real meaning, but Rin knew for a fact he loved his Dad more than anything. The love for his Dad was different than the love for his toys or stuffed animals, it was a genuine safe feeling that only your parents can give. Rin had started to feel the same love for Sicheng, so his little mind connected the love with the way mommy's and daddies are supposed to love their kids. Sicheng loved him like all his friend's mom's loved them, so calling Sicheng mom came naturally for him, and surprisingly for Sicheng too.

Rin was happy he finally had a nice family,

Yuta was happy to finally have a supportive and playful partner,

And Sicheng was waiting for Yuta to man up and ask him out.

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