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Scene 6

9:57 pm, Yuta's Mansion

Yuta didn't like coming home to a silent house. It gave him too much time to think. He had gotten used to Rin's usual yelling or the crashing of pots in the kitchen, sometimes the TV in the living room.

But all was quiet. Rin was asleep and all the maids and chefs got off at eight, and it was currently almost ten, according to Yuta's watch.

Sicheng's situation concerned Yuta to no end, but over the years Yuta had learned not to pry. He didn't have any authority to, anyway. He had no importance in Sicheng's life, at least not yet. For now, Yuta was going to stick to being his friend and employer and slowly try to wiggle his way into Sicheng's life, and hopefully his pants.

He sighed in exhaustion as he fell onto his living room couch, faceplanting into the fluffy pillows. If Yuta was being honest, he hated his living room the most. The room was full of memories of his ex-wife. She chose the couch, the TV, the blue blanket flung over the armchair, but Yuta didn't have it in him to change it. Or at least he didn't before.

Everytime Sicheng sat on the couch, he felt the need to change it, make it new and less like her. Every time he turned the TV on, he felt bad knowing that someone he liked was touching something she once loved.

Yuta didn't miss her if he really thought about it. His wife was a bit of a trainwreck, in the worst way possible. It wasn't like Sicheng after Yuta had kissed him senseless, it was like she had gotten hit by an actual train and fell into a depressing coma. Something had changed in her one day, and Yuta never understood why. He had thought she was cheating or something, but he was definitely wrong. The woman had become distant and violent, constantly out late. The day she laid her hands on Rin was the day Yuta had to put his foot down. He had kicked the woman out, no exceptions, no chance to speak. No one can lay a hand on his son and expect to be allowed to see him again. Yuta hadn't even known she killed herself until Irene told him, and he felt no remorse at her funeral.

Rin had been confused, obviously, but he had slowly come to understand that his mother wasn't coming home. He was too young to hold a grudge against his mom for hurting him, he probably didn't even remember. But Yuta did, and it had made him want to protect his son even more. He wasn't quick to trust people, but something about Sicheng screamed trustworthy. He had no problem giving the boy his son and his heart. It had become his favorite past time, coming home to see his two favorite people snuggled in each other's arms on his bed.

Sicheng had become part of his family, even if he didn't realize it yet. Irene could say what she wanted about him, Yuta wouldn't listen nor leave Sicheng. He may have had problems, but he never let them interfere with Rin and he was always very careful to hide his personal life. The way Sicheng took care of Rin showed Yuta that Sicheng would put Rin's life above his own, no matter what.

Sicheng would do that for everyone, Yuta learned. He could tell he did it for his brother. Yuta didn't know how far Sicheng would go to keep his loved ones safe, and he hoped he never found out.

A loud scream awoke Yuta from his half-slumber, and he immediately bolted to Rin's room. The boy was screaming Sicheng's name, viscously sobbing and shaking on his bed. His raccoon was tucked tightly under his arms, seeming more like Sicheng himself than a stuffed animal.

"What's wrong?" Yuta whispered, petting Rin's head reassuringly. Rin just shook his head, tears still falling.

"What's wrong with Sicheng?" Yuta asked, and Rin let out a loud sob.

"He got hurt," he stuttered out. "By a man. There was blood and-" Rin inhaled, trying to control his cries. "He stopped moving, Daddy."

"It's okay, baby. It was just a dream." Yuta soothed, tucking Rin into bed for the second time. He loosened the boy's grip on the stuffed animal and placed his dinosaur blanket over him.

"Can you check? Please?" The little boy pleaded, clutching the poor raccoon. Yuta nodded and retrieved his phone, opening his one text notification. He reread the text at least three times, completely in shock. He gave Rin a kiss on the forehead, trying to appear as calm as possible before heading out the door.

He walked the empty streets, going to the bridge where he met Sicheng the first time that night. The stars were the only thing illuminating his path, leading him straight to his fallen angel. The boy was no longer sitting on top of the fence, instead, he was curled into a ball under it. Yuta silently cursed at himself, feeling guilty for letting Sicheng stay home, even after he heard the commotion inside. He approached Sicheng with caution, attempting to keep the boy calm and not scare him.

"Hey, Sicheng?" Yuta spoke softly, lowering himself onto the grass in front of the Chinese male. "What happened, love?" Sicheng sniffled loudly and Yuta wondered how many times he would deal with a crying person that day.

"He's never done that before..." Sicheng trailed off, getting lost in his thoughts. His face was hidden under a pastel pink hoodie, only a piece of his black hair peeking through.

"Your brother?" Yuta suggested, noticing Sicheng wasn't going to finish his sentence. He nodded slowly, still hiding his face from Yuta's curious gaze.

"What did he do?"

Sicheng didn't say anything for a while, just stared ahead. Yuta could tell he was debating on telling him what happened or not, but eventually, common sense won. Sicheng removed his hood, showing Yuta all he needed to know.

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