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Scene 12

6:32am, iHOP

Yuta sat Irene down on the leather restaurant seat, leaning her cane on the table in front of her.

"We need to talk," He spoke sternly, desperately wanting to go back home to his boyfriend and son. This was the last encounter he planned on having with the woman, so he wanted to make it memorable and honest.

"I don't like you very much right now, and honestly that's understating it. You didn't have the right to do what you did to Sicheng, Rin's grandmother or not. Sicheng means a lot to me, and if you can't accept that then I can't accept you into our family."

Irene stared at Yuta, open-mouthed and flustered.

"That boy is dangerous!" She stuttered out, clearly not confident in her comeback.

"I think the only dangerous person here is you." Yuta leaned back into the red seat comfortably, crossing his arms over his chest.

"He hit me, Yuta, you know that right. He hit a poor, old-" Irene fanned her face, pretending to tear up.

"Inconsiderate, bitch. I know who he hit, and I'm oh so proud of him." Yuta scowled at the dramatic lady. In the past Yuta would have fallen for her antics instantly, punishing Sicheng and ignoring him for days. But Yuta was different now, he was stronger and wiser. He knew he wouldn't be falling for her fake tears anymore, and so did she.

"Yuta, you can't do this. What about Rin? What about Sarah?"

"Rin is extremely upset that you're so mean to his Sichengie," Yuta emphasized the boy's nickname, noticing Irene's discomfort, "and Sarah obviously didn't care enough. If she had, she would have fought longer, and I know not everyone can win to depression, no matter what, but I know she could have. You just made her feel like the most worthless mother in history." Irene recoiled at his words and Yuta smiled in victory. He felt a weight being lifted off of his chest and a sense of relief wash over him knowing that he avenged Sicheng.

He sighed, saying his final sentence, "Just please, leave us alone." With that he stood and left the restaurant, leaving an upset Irene behind. Yuta didn't look back until he saw the glow from his chandelier and the glare of the sun off of his Bugatti. He looked back down the street he had just walked and let out a loud yell. People could find him weird, crazy, whatever, but Yuta found it therapeutic to let his emotions out through vocals, usually singing. Unfortunately for him, Rin was asleep and he was not in the mood to deal with an angry child. He already had to deal with one of those at the restaurant.

"Yuta, what the actual fuck?" Sicheng cursed from behind him, hair disheveled and a blanket wrapped tightly around his slim body. He clearly had just woken up.

"I'm sorry, love." Yuta chuckled, pulling Sicheng into a warm embrace which the boy happily snuggled into. It was a bit chilly outside, now that Yuta though about it, and Halloween was steadily approaching. Sicheng shivered in his arms, attempting to bury himself into Yuta farther.

"C'mon, let's go inside," he cooed, pulling Sicheng through the door yet never breaking the hug. The two flopped on the couch, legs tangled and hands intertwined.

"You woke me up, asshole," Sicheng mumbled, pulling the blanket over his head. Yuta was going to answer, but soft snores filled his ears, signifying that Sicheng had fallen asleep. Yuta took this opportunity to scroll through his phone, staring at the picture of the house that was to become theirs. He had yet to tell anyone in the house they were moving, but he thought they all needed a fresh start, far away from everything bad that happened to them.

He knew Sicheng would be ecstatic, mainly due to the fact that they were moving closer to one of the top dance schools in Seoul. Even though Sicheng hadn't been attending classes, his skills never faded, somehow they only got better. Yuta didn't understand how until he walked in on Sicheng mid-practice in the guest bedroom. He was stunning when he wasn't dancing, but he was absolutely breathtaking when he was doing something he loved. He was so fluid and strong, yet so smooth and gentle. The dance wasn't just in his body but in his expressions. He could make anyone fall in love with dancing and Yuta found it a shame that only the two and the guest bed got to enjoy his shows, so he paid Sichengs entire tuition to the dance school.

Without him knowing, of course. Sicheng was too humble to accept a gift that cost so much.

"What's that?" Sicheng asked sleepily, peering through Yuta's arms at the phone in his hand.

"Nothing," Yuta replied, attempting to hide the phone. Sicheng was quick to grab the device and read the page.

"You're moving?" He asked, now fully awake. Yuta nodded happily.

"Oh," Sicheng sighed, giving the phone back to his lover, "Good for you."

"Why aren't you happy?" Yuta asked, forcing a smile onto Sicheng's face.

"Because then you're leaving me," the boy mumbled, hiding his burning face in Yuta's shoulder. Yuta chuckled and Sicheng whined, thinking he was being laughed at.

"You're coming with me, dumdum."

Sicheng sprung up from Yuta's shoulder, hitting the man in the face with his head. the two groaned in pain, one holding his chin and the other his forehead.

"We're moving, daddy?" Rin asked from the doorway, his blanket also in his hand, paired with a tortured-looking Coon.

Yuta nodded and Sicheng flopped back on his chest. Rin had gotten used to the twos cuddly actions by now and instinctively joined them on the couch, burrowing under Sicheng's blanket.

"Okay, so," Yuta said at the breakfast table, ignoring the two boys who were picking the marshmallows out of the cereal, "We're moving next week, which gives us seven days to pack and two days to be ready for Halloween. Kay?"

Sicheng and Rin nodded in between attempts at throwing marshmallows into each others mouth. Yuta continued to ignore the two until he felt a small marshmallow piece land in his hair. He looked up from his Raisin Bran and locked eyes with two very guilty and very scared eyes.

"I love you?" Sicheng said cautiously. Yuta just shook his head and the two took off running, abandoning their Lucky Charms. To be frank, not much packing was done that day, or the next, or the one after that. It was two days before the move that the small family actually started packing. They started with the nicknacks all around the house, planning on leaving the furniture to the next homeowners. Each male got an individual box to pack their personal belongings, Rin needing more than one and Sicheng barely using one. All he had was a few books, his phone, his laptop, and the dinosaur stuffed animal Rin gave him. Rin, on the other hand, had 1837827382 toys, 28837939 stuffed animals and 3 books. He's extremely smart, I swear, he just appreciates the finer things in life.

Yuta's company had been planning on opening a branch in the town they were moving too, so a job was no problem for him. With Sicheng in school and him at work, he was hoping to find an acceptable babysitter for Rin. He searched for a while, ignoring the ruckus around him when he finally found someone he thought was perfect. A little lady, stern eyes but a gentle smile. He read over her qualifications and smiled, knowing she would fit the job.

Twenty four hours before the move and everything was in place. Sicheng was beyond excited to start his new school, Rin was happy to meet his new babysitter, all their belongings were packed, the house was sold, and Yuta had a special diamond ring hidden in one of the moving boxes.

And he planned to use it soon.

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