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Scene 2

2:03pm, the daycare

Sicheng must have made a wrong turn, that was the only logical explanation. There was no way in hell a young single parent was rich enough to afford a private daycare, or maybe there was. 

"Sichengie!" Rin yelled, something the boy seemed to enjoy doing. He was running down the school stairs, almost tripping over the bookbag that was far too big on him.

"Hey, cutie," Sicheng said, taking the bookbag from him before he could fall. It was practically empty if you ignored the bright blue stuffed dinosaur in it, which was better for Sicheng, who had his own college bookbag swung over his shoulder.

"What did you do today?" He asked as he retrieved his phone from his pocket. Rin smiled happily, going on a mini-rant about how much fun he had coloring with his friends. It was an adorable sight. Sicheng was half listening, half typing as he entered the address Yuta gave him into Google Maps.

"I wish I could color with you guys," Sicheng fake pouted, holding out one of his hands for Rin to take.

"It's okay, Sichengie! When we get home we can color in all my coloring books." Rin's chubby hand held his own and Sicheng began to walk down the busy sidewalk. It was mid-afternoon on a Monday and everyone seemed to find it convenient to go take a walk.

"When does Daddy get home?" Sicheng asked, genuinely curious about Yuta's personal life.

"I don't really know. Daddy's always gone, but I know he does come home at night." Rin kicked a pebble that was at his foot, hitting an unsuspecting dog.

"How do you know?"

"He gives me a different stuffy every night. He gave me a dinosaur today! He said it would protect me from all the meanies at school."

Sicheng found it sweet how despite Yuta's busy schedule, he tried to find a way to make his son happy. Maybe that was a normal thing for parents to do, but Sicheng never had that. He grew up with foster families, never staying at one for too long. He never understood why they didn't want him, why they'd get rid of him after a few days. It made him feel very worthless and useless, no better than the candy wrapper he and Rin had just passed.

"Turn left in 10 feet." Siri's monotonous voice spoke. Rin screamed, making Sicheng scream, too, before they both burst out in uncontrollable laughter. By the time the two could control their giggles, it was already time to turn.

Sicheng froze in his tracks when he saw the huge mansions laid out before him.

"Home!" Rin squealed, running down the road and towards a large black and white house. It was very modern looking, with large glass walls and a huge chandelier that you could see through the window.

"How rich is this man?" Sicheng mumbled in awe, following in Rin's footsteps. He was almost scared to touch the front door. He felt inferior next to it, and he could see from the glistening wood that it was an expensive door. The door flew open from the other side, hitting Sicheng square in the face. He groaned in pain, making eye contact with the little demon that just beat up his nose.

"I'm gonna get you," he said as he cradled his bleeding face. Rin's eyes widened in surprise before he bolted away from the door, Sicheng not too far behind. Of course, he could catch up with the little boy if he wanted too, but the pure joy and happiness on his face made Sicheng want to watch him, not catch him.

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