Chapter Eight

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Lea's POV

I woke up to a loud alarm. I quickly jump up. I look around and notice I'm not in my bed. Cory was beside me, and we were both still on  the floor, but with lots of blankets. I stopped the alarm on my phone and got up. I heard Cory yawn and get up. "What time is it?" He asks me. "Six." Cory quickly got up and put all of his items in a backpack he brought. I stood back in shock.
"I have to go, for work, I have to be there early." He said. I wasn't really convinced that his job was so important until now. "Well okay, I will see you later." I said turning to go to my bedroom to get ready.

Cory quickly grabbed my hand and turned me so I was facing him. "I will call you tonight, okay?" I nodded my head yes as Cory kissed my cheek and was out the door. Butterflies filled my stomach as I smiled to myself.

I walked into the bathroom to take my morning pill.

I walk into work with my black high heels and skin tight skirt. I wish I could dress comfortably so my ideas come out better but they said to dress for success. I open my door to my new office. It isn't big but it has a desk and everything else I need. I get my own bathroom! which isn't that exciting but it doesn't matter, this is it, my mom never thought this could happen. I put my purse on the desk and sit down in my swivel chair. Immediately I get to work.

When it is my lunch break I lock up my office and exit the big tall building.I wish I was getting lunch for myself, but it's a lunch run for almost everyone on the 12th floor. I walk under the ground to the subways wait for my bus to go to the restaurant where they ordered. It is the place Cory and I went for our date.

Waiting for the train was boring, I stood where the doors would open soon.

"Yeah, at 4." I heard a man say on the phone. He was to my right. I turned my head a little to observe him. He has tattoos all over his body and has a big blue ring with a silver outline on his finger.

"Let's meet at 213 west Diamond street, yeah the back alley."

I felt bad for snooping but i continued to listen.

"Yes I want Monteith to deliver. At two. Yes an hour form now. Three grams. Thanks. Bye."

Montieth. Cory. He was talking about Cory. But why? I needed I know. I get of at 3 but I needed to know what was going on. I took a couple steps away from the man and dialed a number.

I call Beth, who works the front desk.

She answered immediately and before she could say anything I spoke. "Beth hey something came up with family. I have to go immediately. It's my mother, so I can't do the lunch run. Please ask someone else to do it. I will be back tomorrow."

"Okay Lea that's fine, I can send any paperwork to your phone and I can put an extra copy on your desk. All I need is the teen line in two days." Beth said, I took a sigh of relief to know she will help me.

I said my thanks and hung up the phone. Soon a train came, the boy that was on the phone got on and so did I. I kept my distance from him to not make it obvious.

After riding the subway we stopped. I didn't know where we were I was never at this part of town. When e got off I did, I followed him up the stair and soon I breathed fresh air.

I stayed behind him but not to close. He took a turn down a rode, and soon he was in an alley surrounded by other alleys. I felt like I was in the middle of no where, and if I screamed no one would hear me. I stood behind the corner where I couldn't be seen.

After minutes of waiting a big man in black showed up. He looked like a body guard, beside him was Cory. I got butterflies when I saw him, but then I got serious and watched carefully.

"Hello Rock." Cory said. Rock was the man who was on the phone. They stood there staring at each other for some time until the man in black spoke up. "Where is the money." He said. Rock reached in his pocket and pulled out money and handed it to the man in black. He counted it slowly and carefully, he turned to Cory and have him a nod. Cory smiled and pulled out a bag with a white substance.

I knew what it was, I knew what was happening. Cory is a drug dealer, obviously a big one of he has a bodyguard and is asked to deal.

All three men smiled in satisfaction. Rock went to walk away, until the bodyguard spoke.

"You upset Rickey last deal, he said you will pay. Now it is that time, now you pay." I saw Cory's expression change to sadness. The body guard reached in his pocket and shot Rock in the arm. Rock screamed, and so did I.

That's when I knew I had made a mistake. I screamed. Cory and the man in black looked at me. I began to cry.

I ran and I could her Cory run after me. Soon he caught me. I took my arms and held them softly. "Lea listen it's not what you think."

"No Cory it's exactly what I think. Your a drug dealer and when you don't get what you want you kill them." I said with tears running down my cheeks.

"Lea I don't want to kill people it's not me. It's Rickey my boss. I wish I could get out of this but I can't."

"Just stop it Cory. This is over. We are over. I can't be doing this with you." I said as I broke free from his grip. I ran away till I was on a crowded street. I got a taxi and they drove to my house.

I look at my phone and saw a message from Cory.

*Lea. I know this was bad to keep from you but how could I tell you? I want you to know that what we had was not a lie. If you hate me I get it. But I want you to know that what I felt for you was strong and I don't know of that will ever stop. I love you Lea, and I'm sorry.*

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