Chapter Thirteen

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Lea's POV

Getting off work was hard, but after crying they finally said yes. I am taking 5 days off fly to New York with Cory and we are staying there for 3 days. From there, we are going to Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts to spread her ashes.

I have been okay with the whole idea of her death, except for the incident in the bathroom. Something came over me, and ever since I can't turn it off.


When we arrived in New York we immediately went to my mom and dad's house. It was surrounded with flowers. And not the flowers that would appeal to my mother.
My first time coming home without a "welcome home sweetie! We have missed you so much!" Broke my heart. The air I breathed was lonely in the house. The halls were empty of my mother's sweet voice. My father told Cory and I the plan, that "stay at your hotel, and get some rest for tonight. Tomorrow we are planning everything out and going to a dinner. The next day, i want you and Cory to go run some errands for me, and then the last day we will pack most of her things and get ready for Massachusetts, is that good?" He said, Cory and i nodded out heads and headed back to the hotel.


Dinner the next day was quiet, our family just sat there talking about stupid stuff, like vegtables, and flowers, but we did not talk about my mom, and her laughter wasnt there to fill the table. My dad sat on the end of the table quiet mostly through dinner. Cory talked to some of my family members, who all seemed to like him, but mostly he would be eating or looking at me. When he looked at me he would do a half smile that said, "you okay?" and i always nodded my head yes, returning the half smile. But, he knew i wasnt okay, i hated how my family did not talk about my mom, they are so arrogant. They act like nothing happened to her and that she is at the restroom, or something. When we got home that night i cried into Cory's arms in the hotel bed. He rubbed my back softly with one hand, and the other was running through my hair. He cared, Cory actually cared about me and it was so hard to get that throught my head.

"Uhm, hi dad?" I said answering my phone in a whisper. It was six in the morning and my dad woke me up, i stayed quiet because Cory was still sleeping. "Wake up, and get ready, you and Cory have errands to run for me today, remember?" I sighed, i did not want to get up at six in the morning to run around New York City for my dad. "I will send you a text of all the places you will need to go, but you must go in order. When you get to a place i want you to tell, me and i will tell you what you need to do at that place, i love you sweetie. Text me when your ready so i can send you your first location, be ready within two hours, i love you." He said, i got up quietly, and looked over at Cory, he looked so cute while sleeping. I went into the bathroom and started the shower, when the water was ready i got in.

i finished and opened the shower curtain to see Cory, i screamed so loud in fear i tought he went deaf. "Im sorry Lea! i just had to pee!" He shouted as i laughed. "Its okay Cory" i said grabbing a towel and wrappin it around myself.

Cory and i both finished getting ready within two hours and i texted my dad, as i sat in the car waiting for Cory to come out from the hotel. His message was very clear.

*Go to the coffee shop beside our very old house, when you get there get a coffee with two creams and 2 sugars, sit outside under the tree that has a bench, you and Cory both do this. Text me when finished*

Cory and i thought it was ridiculous, but we did it anyways. We drove over 20 minutes until we arrived at the small coffee shop name The Smooth Corner. I texted my dad when i had the absolute, best coffee in the world. it tasted so amazing, Cory agreed too.

My dad replied with, "This was your moms favorite coffee shop in the whole wide world, and this is where we met, right under that tree, and she drank the same thing every time. A coffee with 2 creams and 2 sugars. She continued going there even when we moved out of the house near it. As long as i have known your mother, i have never seen her drink any other coffee. Now, onto the next location."

My dad sent Cory and i to many places across New York, they all had to do with my mother. We went to about 5 places after the coffee shop, and the last place we went was the bench. i didnt know where it was until my dad sent me the address.

Cory's POV

When we got to the bench, i was amazed by the view. It was a single bench on a hill that overlooked the city, where you can see all the skyscrapers and the sky light up the whole town, it was breath taking, and i know Lea was impressed as well. We sat down on the bench together, she put her hand in mine and smiled as she texted her dad. When he replied, she showed me the answer. "When ever your mother was sad, scared, nervous, angry, stressed, or even bored she would be up there. One time, when we first started dating, we got in this arguement, i knew she would be there rather then her house, so i drove up there and saw her hair blowing in the wind. I went over beside her, she said "hi" and then put her hand in mine. I said "hi" back, and thats when i realized i loved your mother. She looked beautiful against the sunset that was reflecting an orange tint off her face. She once told me that, at that exact same spot, she fell in love with me. She said, "Anyone who knows my favorite place in the world and comes just for her, must really care, and thats how she knew she loved me."
When Lea was done reading it she was in tears, and then it hit me, her dad is making this like a scavenger hunt, to find the places the make her mom who she was. To show Lea how her and i are just like her parents.

Then, it hit me again. I was in love with Lea. I fell in love with her the way her dad fell in love with her mom. I took another look at Lea and she smiled at the view as a tear left her eye. She looked beautiful. I put my hand on her chin, and lightly pulled it so she was looking at me. She smiled and said, "Cory, its so beautiful, how they fell in love." she sniffled her nose, i nodded my head and agreed with her. "Lea", i said, "being here, right now, makes me realize how much i love you. Your beauty inside and out, i want to be with you Lea, and make you happy. I love you Lea, i love you like your father loved your mother, so, so much".

Sorry it's been so long but I hope you like this chapter I worked very hard on it. The question is "How would you describe your style?"

I dress like a hipster. Jut leave a comment on how you would describe your style!!

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