TIME FOR A GUEST! (@HalloPhoenix)

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Alright readers, so every 14-15 chapters, there will be a guest poem! This time it's HalloPhoenix , who is a friend of mine. She's submitted a poem below, and I (and she) hope(s) you like it!


your pretty clothes are your skin, your shield against the outside world.

finery is a fine thing indeed- the furs, the smoothness, the intricacy.

your makeup is your lasso, to keep men in, entwining and enticing,

closer, closer,

your ring-clad, painted fingertips- drawing, beckoning

your red, red lips, the waiting blood of your enemies that shall be spilled,

you promise to yourself

you kiss them like you are drawing the life out of their souls, your red painted lips leaving their mark.

oh, but girl,

your stare,

your two whirlpools of ice and fire and wind,

your beautiful, deadly eyes

they are the dagger,

the sword,

the spear,

that shall drive through men's hearts

like a thunderclap in the darkened, ravaging sky

they will pin men to the floor, they will suck all the air from the room

till there is none left to breathe in.

ah, if looks could kill,

it would be you, girl,

that could do it.

after all, you break hearts for a living.

it's what you do.

and do what you must,

because no one can stop you.


the volcanoes bubble red hot fire,

the seas rage and churn,

the skies are dark and heavy with thunder,

because of



you are a queen,

and you know it.


a bloodied slash

through history

goes the


now, so many years into the future, reduced

to just

a mere shadowy ghost in the hallway,

still ready to


with her

fine clothes,

perfect makeup,

red, red lips

and bright, cold unforgiving


yes, she is looking



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