the kiss

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Before the chapter starts, I want to thank xLIVINGxTRASHx for making my cover, it's adorable!!
OK now back to your daily dose of cuteness called Felix


You kept looking back and forth between Chan and Felix, and Chan was already exploding with excitement

Before you could really think things over you went over and kissed Felix....

Everyone started yelling and going insane, Chan even covered Jeongin's eyes while all this happened.


You backed away and Felix was like a whole tomato, really red, like you thought he was gonna explode.

It then finally hit you that you just kissed Lee Felix....

You instantly got up and ran out to the bathroom so then they didn't see you. You were embarrassed. But why did you like it so much? You wanted to kiss him again, it felt right....wait why were you thinking these thoughts, ew stop...

Chan: y/n? You OK in there hun?

Jeongin: mom I need to use the bathroom you're gonna have to come out soon

Minho: don't worry we won't talk about it, just come out and we'll continue the game if you want

Seungmin: I think that's enough of truth or dare...

Jisung: omg move lemme in there

They moved out of the way and you let Jisung in.

Jisung: hey you ok?

You: I don't know....I'm processing everything right now...wait...oh my god, how is Felix doing

Jisung: well considering that was his first kiss....I don't really know, he hasn't said anything, he kind of just went in his room after it all. But I'm just worried about you

You: I don't even know how I feel though, it's all very confusing

Jisung: well do you know how you feel about Felix? Do you feel anything at all for him?

You: it's hard for me to feel things like that toward someone anymore after everything that's happened to me in the past with guys...I just don't know, I do know that I definitely don't hate Felix, I mean we've all just met today, I'll have to give it time

Jisung: I totally understand. You don't wanna rush things right? Just know you have my number now and you can text or call me whenever you'd like now, ok? So how about we go out there, go out and get some junk food and come back and watch sad, romance movies in my room? Sound good?

You nodded and he took your hand and led you out of the bathroom.

Chan: thank God, I thought you died, and Jeongin was about to die

Jisung: we're going out, we'll come back later, text us if Taelyn walks up or something

Everyone looked up and nodded and you both left to go out and get some food.

You both walked to the mini store across the street and walked inside

Jisung: so what are you craving for? Ramen? Chips? Chocolate? Just candy in general?

You: you want a honest answer? All of that

He laughed and started heading down the aisles and come back with all the assortments of food.

Jisung: I'm paying

You: no no, that's a lot for you to pay for, let me

Jisung: b what did I say? I said I'm paying, now leave

You sighed and went over to the window and noticed that it was starting to rain

You: Jisung, it's starting to rain~

Jisung: don't worry I saw this coming, I've already got the umbrella

You were surprised and grabbed it so then it was easier on him and you guys grabbed all the bags and started heading out, we'll running out.

You guys got inside and went straight to Jisung's room without acknowledging anyone.

Jisung: OK what do you want to watch, I've got a whole selection

You: let's watch (name a movie my dood)

Jisung: k sounds good

You guys were getting all prepared in watching it when you heard your phone going off, you looked and it was Chan


Hey so it looks like it's going to be storming a lot tonight and the roads are all closed down, you'll have to stay here with us...if you don't mind

Ah, OK, thank you, I'll text Elise about it, you sure we can stay here?

Yes we are sure, now go and enjoy your movie with Jisung, we'll be in the living room if you need anything and I'm pretty sure Taelyn is out for the night so yeah, bye~~

You put down your phone and went back to help Jisung set everything up

Jisung: so you staying?

You: yup, looks like it

Jisung: text Elise


You picked up your phone again and went to see her contact and just called her


Hey? How's it going over there?

Well it looks like I'm going to have to stay here

Oh yeah, of course, I don't want you driving out here in the storm, stay there, stay safe ok?

Don't worry I will, love you and happy birthday Eli

Love you too and thank you~ night~

You hung up and again went back to setting up. Once everything was good, you guys put a blanket om the floor and a blanket around both of you and started eating and watching the movie.

By the middle part of the movie, you both started crying

You: baby

Jisung: cry baby

By the end of the movie Jisung was asleep and you cleaned up a bit and noticed it was pretty late and everyone should be in bed.

You got up and went out to the living room

You noticed Felix was the only one awake and seemed like he couldn't sleep

You: oh um..hi.....sorry

You turned to leave

Felix: no wait, come back please

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