the end

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-5 years later-

You: Taelyn! You're going to be late for  your first day of school!

Taelyn: I'm coming, Jaesung give me my brush back, I need that

Jaesung: but noona I need it too

You rolled your eyes and smiled, you were cooking breakfast for their first day of school, taelyn was going into 3rd grade and Jaesung was going into Kindergarten

Felix: hello love

Felix had just woken up and went downstairs and kissed your head before going back upstairs to get the kids ready

You: guys breakfast is done, hurry up so you don't miss the bus

They both came rushing down, grabbed a hand full of food, stuffed it in their mouths and ran out the door to wait for the bus

Felix: a few other people woke up during all that commotion

He came walking down with your other kids, Areum, Aecha, and Eunae, the 3 year old triplets

Aecha was in Felix's arms, sucking her thumb and holding her blanket, Areum, the oldest triplet, was holding Felix's hand and walking, while Eunae, was walking slowly in front of them

You smiled and walked over and picked up Eunae

You: did my babies get good sleep?

They nodded tirely

You kissed each of their foreheads and sat them down on the couch and turned on the TV

Felix: what do you guys wanna watch

Areum: OH its Aecha's turn to pick

Aecha was the smallest and youngest triplet, she was also the quietest

Aecha: um Peter Pan

Felix smiled and put Peter Pan on

Felix: sounds familiar

He looked up at you and smiled

Eunae: mommy I want food

She took your hand and went to the kitchen, grabbed her favorite box of cereal, and took the whole thing to the couch

She was the one that liked eating the most

You stood by the entryway to the living room and smiled

You sat there and looked back on all the things that have happened the past 5 years

Stray kids were one of the biggest kpop groups along with BTS still. They're still making music and having concerts.

Jisung and Elise got married, two years ago, they had one baby boy named Hosook.

You havent talked to your parents again, but Anita adopted you as her own and calls you her daughter

Amy had the baby, she had twins, one boy and one girl, they come over and play with Jaesung

Woojin visits every weekend, always bringing gifts for the kids

All the members come by a lot of the time during the week, stopping by at random since they have a spare key to your place

Minya and Eric come by every once and a while, Eric and Taelyn crush on eachother now, they got "married" in kindergarten and have acted like a old married couple ever since

You didnt realize Felix came over to you till he spoke

Felix: you know this reminds me of when we had our first kiss

You: oh yes I definitely remember

Felix: it was the best kiss I've ever had

He kissed you as you guys walked back to the couch and watched Peter Pan together.


And with that, you closed the book. You put it in your library and smiled.

Thank you so much for reading my book, I appreciate it more than you know, I hope you enjoyed it and feel free to come again and enter this crazy world of my imagination again. I love every single one of you for reading and supporting my book till the very end, I love to read the comments and see what you guys like and what you guys absolutely hated happening. If you wouldnt mind sticking around for my other stray kids books that I'm writing, that would be great, or even read my other books, that'll also be appreciated. Thank you all so much for this wonderful year of writing this book, I love you all, peace out ✌🏻💕

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